Pick Your Poison - Chapter Ten

Title: Pick Your Poison
Author: Terri
E-mail: xgrrl26@yahoo.com
Rating: R, frank discussions about delicate topics
Disclaimer: I only own Zach and Mary - the rest
aren't mine. Darn. Can't I just have the big blue
Archive: WRFA, Mutual Admiration, Dolphin Haven Peep
Hut - anyone else, please ask and I'll happily provide :)
Feedback: Please? Pretty please? Good, bad, and
ugly welcome.
Summary: Sequel to Chapter Nine. All of the options
got written this time, and I'm kind of glad I did it
that way since (thanks to Yahoo!Mail) I got a vote
very late that would've made it a three-way tie ;)
Comments: This is a little late, due to my Dad.
Well, actually due to the doctor that performed my
Dad's knee replacement surgery who apparently made a
little boo-boo, causing my Dad to be rushed to the
hospital Sat. morning to get it fixed. He's OK, but
he's going to be laid up for a while. Unfortunately,
while I can sue his doctor for malpractice, I can't
get damages for delaying the fic production schedule
;) Sorry! I'll try to get back on track this


"Hank, you got a minute?" Logan had caught his friend
a little off-guard. He was finishing up a late
breakfast in the kitchen and thoroughly absorbed by
the latest issue of Neuroscience.

"Hmmm?" Hank looked up a little, still not quite
paying attention.

"I need to talk with ya if ya got a minute." Logan
repeated, seating himself at the table across from
Hank, and letting his coffee cup come to rest with a
clank. "Got a problem. Got a coupla problems,

That had Hank's full attention. "X-men related
problems? Are they headed this way again?"

"Nah. Not that I know of. It's a Marie-related
problem. And the other one's a Zach-related problem."
Logan fixed his eyes on the table and shifted around
in his chair.

"The Zach problem is the, ah, events leading to the
barn collapse?"

"Yeah. I should, ah, talk to him 'bout all that.
Birds and bees and whatnot." Logan looked like he'd
rather be doing just about anything but contemplating
that particular talk. "But I was hopin' you'd talk to
him too, you know, give him another take on that
whole, uh, thing. Just in case I leave anythin' out."

"I would be happy to do so - perhaps after dinner this
evening?" Hank didn't share Logan's trepidation at
the thought of such a talk. In fact, he delighted in
performing the role of a surrogate parent. "Is
someone speaking with Mary?"

"Marie is - I think she's doin' that right now. But
I'm sure she'd appreciate a backup talk too. You're a
doctor, after all."

"It will be my pleasure to assist in this matter."
Logan eased a little at that, but Hank still saw
tension in his expression. "I suppose that was the
easier of the two problems."

"Yeah." Logan fidgeted in his seat for a few moments,
gazing intently into his coffee cup. "I kinda messed
up somethin' with Marie last night. It's a delicate
topic, and personal. But I'm kinda at a loss for what
to do here, and Marie suggested talkin' to you this
mornin' if I still didn't feel quite right about it.
I don't feel right 'bout it."

"What happened?" Hank unconsciously cast the
scientific magazine aside and leaned across the table
toward Logan.

"We were, you know, together last night and I got a
little - well, not like I usually am with her. A
little wilder, a little rougher."

"Rougher?" Concern was evident in the question. While
Hank couldn't imagine Logan harming Marie, he didn't
like the very sad look on Logan's face now.

"Rougher," Logan confirmed. "I left a mark or two on
her. Not - not enough to hurt her, but it's there and
the whole time I kinda wasn't payin' too much
attention to her. I was focusin', uh, more on myself.
Marie - she said it was OK. Well, after she freaked
out 'cause I jumped outta bed when we were done and I
made her think she'd done somethin' wrong." He ran a
hand through his hair with a frustrated sigh. "She
got real upset and hid in the blankets and started
askin' what was wrong with her, didn't I like what we
did? I think I finally got it through that everythin'
was OK, that I was just worried 'bout how I was,
nothin' 'bout her. She said she wanted us bein'
together, you know, like that, to be for me for a
change 'cause it's always been for her before. I
dunno 'bout that. I mean, it should be about her.
She needs to feel love, not - not lust. I don't wanna
go messin' anythin' up now that she's finally talkin'.
I don't wanna make a mistake. Marie, she said I
should float it past you if I was still worried.
Whaddya think?"

"Hmmm," Hank considered, taking a sip of his coffee.
"I do not think there is any cause for great alarm.
If Marie is feeling all right with what transpired
between you, and we are not talking about anything
more than a minor bruise or two, I think that you have
nothing to worry about. It is quite common to, ah,
enjoy the purely sexual aspects of a relationship,
and, indeed, it is a healthy response. In fact,
Marie's desire to, ah, give, as it were, rather than
just receiving, is a good sign, a sign that she is
feeling more comfortable and is able to be more
assertive in your relationship. As long as you both
consent to your activities, I do not think there is a

"But that's just it - is she consentin'? I mean, I
know what you said before when we first started
gettin' together - she's mentally OK in the eyes of
the law and doctors, but what if she's just doin' this
as payback or 'cause she feels like she owes me? I
don't want that."

"Ah. Well, it is likely that she has feelings of
gratitude toward you, and would wish to please you.
But I do not believe that that necessarily means that
she is acting under duress. If she is able to see
that you are deriving happiness, pleasure from her
actions, it may give her a sense of satisfaction, a
sense of more equal participation in the

Logan digested that for a moment. "What would you do
if you were in my shoes?"

Hank sat back in his chair and gave Logan a broad,
friendly smile. "I would stop worrying, my friend,
and enjoy the fact that Marie is healing and making
such wonderful progress. Things of an intimate nature
will work themselves out in time, and I believe that
your strong instincts to protect and do right by Marie
will prevent against any serious misconduct in that
area. I suppose what I am saying is - trust your
instincts, and enjoy being with Marie." Every muscle
in Logan's body eased with that. Hank could tell he'd
gotten through to him.

"Thanks." The men exchanged gruff nods. "I gotta go
find Zach."

Hank chuckled as Logan rose, tension gathering in his
features once again. "That may be the more
troublesome problem after all. Good luck." Logan
gave him a sardonic smile, before venturing out to
find his young charge.

Back in Westchester, Scott was attempting a similarly
serious talk with Jean over the remnants of lunch.
"All I'm saying is that I can tell something's wrong
and I want you to know you can trust me with whatever
it is. You've been on edge for a long time now, and I
- "

"I'm not on edge," Jean said, rising from the table to
clear away her plates. "And the only thing wrong is
that I'm tired of hearing what an awful job I did with

"It's apparently Marie now, and no one's said you did
a horrible job. We all know you tried your best,

"Then why are you pushing me to discuss it?"

"It just seems like you get tense whenever I mention
it. It seems like something's bothering you."

"I thought I was the telepath," Jean remarked. Scott
didn't respond, and she turned to look at him.
Judging from his expression, he'd been upset by that
comment. "Sorry. I didn't mean anything by that. I
have a lot of work in the lab today. I'll see you at

"Jean - wait - let's talk about this. Jean - "

"Not now," she said, a little more gently. "I'll see
you later." Jean resolutely turned away from Scott
and headed for the lab, fighting back tears. It felt
like everything was falling apart. Ever since they'd
found Rogue, ever since McCoy's documents arrived,
she'd felt under attack. It was partly her own
paranoia, she knew. She'd destroyed all of the
electronic and paper records of her mistake, and there
was no way anyone would find out what had happened.
Or at least they wouldn't be able to prove anything,
she thought.

It had all happened so fast that night - Rogue being
brought in, completely out of it and so very violent.
Jean remembered being terrified that Rogue's skin
would touch hers. That kind of invasion of body and
mind was her worst nightmare. It held too many echoes
of when she first began to manifest as a telepath,
when she didn't know how to keep the voices and
thoughts of others out of her head. Sometimes they
were horrific, disgusting thoughts, and she didn't
want to imagine what Sabretooth's might have been like
or take the chance they might bleed over from Rogue's
mind should she touch her.

Jean gave up trying to push the thoughts of that night
back and let herself replay the moment of the mistake.
She'd been getting the sedative together and
preparing to administer the mutatol as well. She knew
Rogue would need a massive dose of the sedative if she
had, in fact, inherited Sabretooth's powers. It had
been a simple mistake, really. She hadn't meant to
prepare an equally large dose of the mutatol. It was
just that she got distracted - in all the chaos and
worry over being touched by an out-of-control,
malicious Rogue she had one moment of inattention.
Just one small moment. It all happened so fast.

Thinking back on it now, Jean reassured herself that
she'd done the right thing. It was a simple mistake,
but Jean Grey didn't make mistakes, especially not in
the emergency room. If they knew, she thought, they'd
never trust her to treat them again. None of them
would. Wasn't it better, wasn't it for the greater
good, that she have the confidence of the students and
staff so that they would trust her to help them when
they needed it? And we can't be sure, Jean thought,
that the initial load of mutatol was what pushed Rogue
over the edge. All the other doses were normal
strength, and her response seemed just as poor. Even
if McCoy's suppositions about the drug are true,
there's no way of knowing whether Rogue wouldn't have
been just as unable to recover, just as violent, just
as unmanageable. No, she decided, no one needs to
know, especially not now. There's no changing the
past, and besides, there's no real harm done. Rogue
is recovering nicely now. It's over, Jean told
herself. The records were gone, she could shield from
the Professor and Scott, and the only one who might be
able to smell a lie on her - Logan - was thousands of
miles away and very inclined to stay that way. It's
over, she told herself again, stop worrying about it.
Turning her attention back to her work, Jean
resolutely pushed those thoughts from her mind.

"So, uh, what I'm sayin' is you gotta, you know, be
responsible about that kinda stuff. I ain't gonna
tell ya not to do it 'cause - well, 'cause I ain't.
But I'm tellin' ya to be careful and not just in the
sex way to avoid makin' a baby either. She's younger
than you, and she's been through a shitload of trauma.
Sure, she might wanna kiss and hold hands and do,
ah, other things with hands, other touching things,
but you're the more stable one, you're the man. You
gotta be the responsible one. Got it?"

Zach fidgeted in his bedroom chair as Logan paced back
and forth in front of him. He'd expected some kind of
reprimand because of the barn incident, but getting
the sex talk from Logan wasn't what he'd expected at
all. At least not one this elaborate. Something
along the lines of - "Quit screwing around in my
barn!" - was what he'd pictured. "Uh-huh."

Logan raised an eyebrow at him as he continued pacing.
"Don't say uh-huh if you don't agree. Say somethin'
else, and we'll, you know, discuss it or somethin'.
Or you can discuss with someone else."

"Is Hank around?" Zach choked out.

"Yeah, he's gonna come up and give ya his talk after

"Whew." Zach noticed that eyebrow of Logan's creep up
again. "I mean, uh, he's a doctor and he'll use, you
know, his medical knowledge to help me out here. Not
that - not that you don't have knowledge, I just - uh
- "

Logan smirked and decided to let him off the hook. "I
know what you mean. Sometimes you gotta ask a

"Yeah. Yeah."

"So, ah, you like Mary then? Or is this kinda an
exploration thing?" He'd stopped pacing, and he was
looking at Zach appraisingly. "'Cause I know, believe
me I know, sometimes you just wanna look around, get
the lay of the land, get some experience behind ya,
see what's what. 'Specially when you're just gettin'
goin' inta this, ah, sex thing. But those're two
different things. If it's a like thing, then there's
different rules than if it's just an explorin' thing."

"Um, what do you mean? I mean, I think - I think it's
a like thing, but I'm, uh, also curious, you know,
about the land and how it lays. I mean lies. I mean
- "

Zach had turned completely red by that point, and
Logan decided to bail him out a little again. "I
getcha. And I'm gonna help you out here. Hank'll
probably tell ya the same thing too. If it's a like
thing, then you gotta think with your brain, got me?
Can't let any other parts do the thinkin' 'cause that
leads to problems. You gotta, you know, talk to her
and figure out if it's a like thing for her or just an
explorin' thing. You gotta - "

"You don't think - you don't think she's just
exploring, do you? Because I go the feeling that she
really liked me and she acted like she did and what if
she doesn't, then what - "

"Whoa, whoa, there." Logan held up one hand in a
'stop' gesture, cutting Zach off. "This is what I'm
sayin'. Don't guess. Talk. Trust me, it's not as
painful as it sounds at first." Zach nodded along.
"Good. Then, if both of you like each other, you just
gotta remember a coupla things to be sure that'll go
OK. Play straight with one another, don't fuck around
on her, protect her, and think about what she wants,
what she needs some of the time. Got it?"

"Got it. That's - that's good advice, sir."

"Yeah." Logan exhaled. The talk was over. Hank can
cover the rest, Logan thought. I'm not getting into
condoms and pregnancy and -

"Is that how it is with you and Miss Marie? I mean,
is that why you two get along so well? Because you
followed those rules?"

Logan's expression softened at Zach's earnest
question. "I guess so. Mosta the time, we work
things out pretty good. I got a good woman there, and
that's part of it too, findin' someone who's a good
person. Mary seems like a good one." Zach beamed at
that, and Logan recognized it for what it was -
getting your father's (or pseudo-father, in this case)
approval of your choice of mate. Logan had never
known what it felt like to be on the receiving end of
that feeling, but he was glad he could give that
experience to Zach now.

"Thanks, sir."

"No problem. See ya later." Logan left the room
feeling much lighter than he had all day. Things were
working out, he thought, x-men visits, sex screw-ups,
and barn collapses notwithstanding.

"He's probably freaking out! I mean, one little kiss
and - poof! I totally lose control!" Mary dabbed at
her eye with a Kleenex while Marie patted her hand.
Marie shook her head a little to contradict Mary's
words. "He's been really nice about it and all, but
I'm sure he's thinking - what a freak!" Marie shook
her head a little harder. "Oh, I've messed everything
all up, I just know it."

Marie shook her head yet again, and grabbed for the
notepad and pencil she'd brought with her. She'd
hoped she'd feel OK talking to the kids - Logan had
said they were safe - but she wasn't sure if she'd be
ready, willing, and able to get out everything Mary
needed to hear. She scribbled some words on the
paper, then handed it to Mary.

"He understands?" Mary read aloud. "Do - do you
really think so?" Marie nodded vigorously. "I - I
don't know.." Marie grabbed the paper back and
wrote more words, then turned it upside down for Mary
to see. "It's worth a try. He's a good young man."
Mary just frowned and fidgeted after reading the
words. She looked unconvinced. Marie simply gave her
a questioning look, then an alarmed one, as Mary's
eyes began to tear up.

"Oh, Marie," she cried. "I just don't - I don't know
what I was thinking. He - he doesn't know anything
about what happened to me, about what people did to
me. I can't tell him. I can't ever tell him and he
doesn't deserve to - he'll just think I'm dirty and he
doesn't deserve to have someone like that. He *is* a
good man, he is, and he's been so nice to me this
whole time and even when it happened and after and I -
" Mary broke off into sobs and Marie gently gathered
her to rest her head on her shoulder. She made small
shushing noises and rocked the younger girl while
trying to think of how to say what Mary needed to
hear. After Mary calmed a little, Marie parted from
her, then wrote quickly on the pad, filling up several
note pages. She handed it to Mary to read with a
determined and sympathetic look on her face.

"It's your decision whether to tell Zach about before,
and how much to tell him and when. I think he will
understand. He knows it doesn't make you bad. It's
not your fault, no one thinks that except the kind of
people who like to hurt other people. I don't think
it, Logan doesn't think it, Hank doesn't think it, and
neither will Zach. You deserve to be happy. You're a
good person. You're not a freak, don't ever think
that. You're not." Mary paused, having run out of
words on paper, only to be handed another stack of
paper with fresh writing from Marie. "I used to think
for a long time that I was bad, because I was
different. Because there were things wrong with me.
I learned that I'm not bad, not because of the things
wrong or because of my mutation. I'm just like you -
I can't control it either, and I could kill someone
with it. I've been on the road, like you. I've had
bad things happen to me too. But it doesn't mean I'm
bad and it doesn't mean you're bad either." Mary
looked up to see Marie giving her a definitive nod and
one last stack of papers. "I'm not saying you have to
fall in love with Zach or tell him everything about
your past. It's up to you. I'm saying - don't give
up on the chance to find happiness, to live your life
like you want. You don't have to live afraid. You
can be yourself. Logan and I will always be here to
support you. Hank too. Take a chance, Mary. It's
worth it. And we'll all be here to catch you if it
doesn't work out. I think it will. Take a chance."

Mary hugged Marie tightly. "Thank you. Thanks."
Marie pulled back to give her a questioning look.
"I'll - I'll try. I don't think - I don't think I can
handle telling him and everything, not yet, but I'll
try it. I'll try." That earned Mary a huge grin from
Marie. She let Mary go, reaching for the pad yet
again. Marie dashed off a quick note then handed it
to her. Mary read it silently, then blushed.

"Yes, I do want to talk a little bit about the sex
stuff," she said shyly. "Just in case one day we ever
- you know. I'd like to know." Marie nodded, and
reached for the pad again.

The Professor sat in his office, looking out upon the
grounds. He'd been mulling over the debrief from
Jubilee and Kitty for quite some time now, trying to
decide what to do about the facts they'd uncovered.
He had come to a few decisions. He'd picked up a
stray thought from Jubilee about the girls' plan to
self-experiment using the mutatol, to try to prove Dr.
McCoy's assertions. He'd warned them against it, of
course, and thought that they would heed his advice in
this matter, especially since he had promised to fully
look into it himself. That had prompted his decision
to contact an independent lab to do the tests, one
funded by Xavier's family and one that would keep
things quiet. He did not share that information with
the girls, or with Jean for that matter.

Another decision he'd reached was that they needed to
discern what Logan was doing with the mutant children
he was apparently taking in. Were they receiving
proper care? Proper schooling? What was Logan
telling them about the x-men? Did he promote
mutant-human understanding, separation, or warfare?
These questions plagued the Professor the most. The
idea of Logan building a mini-Brotherhood in order to
seek revenge upon the x-men for the mistreatment he
perceived they had visited upon Rogue was a very
disconcerting one.

Just how to obtain that information was something the
Professor had not decided upon, although he was
leaning toward attempting some covert reconnaissance.
The direct approach had not worked well, and even the
girls seemed no longer welcome at Logan's door. And
Xavier doubted that he himself would be of any use -
Logan seemed to blame him the most for what had
happened to Rogue, since she was technically still a
minor in his care at the time.

That suddenly prompted an idea. Perhaps he had been
going about this all wrong. Perhaps what he needed to
do was disregard Logan for the moment, and approach
one of the children staying there. According to
Jubilee and Kitty, not many of the children had seen
them. None had seen Bobby, Remy, or St. John, that
was certain. Yes, Xavier thought, perhaps an approach
through one of the children, casually making friends
with one of Logan's residents and filtering
information back - perhaps that would do the trick.

Xavier was excited by the idea, but he resolved to
think it through carefully before acting. He could
not afford to waste another opportunity or to make
another mistake. Perhaps he should talk things
through with Scott, get another perspective, someone
to help him analyze the idea and create the plan.
Scott was biased, and more than a little, but Xavier
believed he could keep his objectivity and he had
excellent strategic skills. Yes, Xavier thought, we
will pursue this option. We will form a plan. And
then, we will have the information we need to decide
what action to take next. He sat back in his chair,

"Are there any more questions? I would be happy to
discuss the relative merits of the different forms of
birth control if you like." Hank smiled at Zach a
little to encourage him.

"Ah, no - no thanks. I don't think we're quite there
yet, you know. But I will - I'll come and talk to you
if that gets, you know, imminent."

"Very well." Hank rose to leave, but Zach stopped him
with a hand to his forearm. "Yes?"

"Can I ask you some non-medical questions? And maybe
- maybe some questions about Mary specifically?" Hank
nodded, and sat back down. "I know you can't tell me,
uh, the medical stuff about her, but I know she was
probably hurt, and not in a nice way, if you know what
I mean." Hank frowned, neither confirming nor denying
Zach's suspicions. Zach pressed on. "If - if that's
the case, if someone you kind of liked and wanted to,
you know, be with as a girlfriend went through
something like that - well, I was just wondering how
to act with her. Mr. Logan gave me some good advice
but - but I didn't want to ask him because that's kind
of personal, you know, between him and Ms. Marie,
because I know she was hurt too, but in a different
way, and - and I just didn't want to intrude. But I
could kind of use a guy perspective on that. Just -
just, you know, in the hypothetical case that that
might be something that someone I might possibly be
interested as a girlfriend in would, um, have." Hank
said nothing for a moment, and furrowed his brow.
"Did that make any sense?"

"Yes," Hank answered kindly, pulling out of his
thoughts. "I should tell you, Zach, that I do not
have encyclopedic knowledge of inter-personal
relationships of the romantic kind. My actual
experience in that area is somewhat limited, and I
have never faced the, ah, hypothetical situation you
are proposing."

"But what would you do if you did? I mean, you're -
you're a really smart guy and a *good* guy and I
really trust your judgment. I - I don't have
encyclopedia knowledge in this either."

"Encyclopedic is the adjective," Hank gently
corrected. "Very well. I suppose I would proceed in
both physical and emotional matters slowly and
incrementally, taking my cues from my partner to help
determine her comfort level. I would encourage
communication. I would try to convey my support for
her. But most of all, I suppose that I would go to
great pains to make it seem as though I were *not*
going to great pains. I would want her to feel
normal, and not to feel as though I were being
especially cautious due to my perception of her
emotional state. Does that make sense?"

"A lot," Zach sighed in relief. "Thanks, Dr. McCoy.
You know, you give great advice."

"You are quite welcome, and thank you." Hank smiled
at the young man. He was really quite proud of all of
the children, but especially Zach and especially at
this moment. "I am off to bed now. Please feel free
to call upon me if you wish to discuss things
further." He'd already completed his talk with Mary,
and, although he was very glad to be of service to
both the kids, he was getting tired. "Good night."

"Good night, Dr. McCoy," Zach answered, already
climbing into bed himself. As Hank shut the door, a
strong surge of affection went through him. These
kids had added so much to his otherwise sparse
emotional life. He felt privileged to be able to help
care for them, and grateful for the chance to be at
least a surrogate parent to them. Smiling once more
at the closed door, Hank went off to bed.

"So, uh, that was OK?" Marie nodded vigorously. "You
sure?" Another animated nod. "'Cause, you know, I
really liked that." Now, Marie was wearing a big
smile and blushing. That, combined with her current
topless state and the memories of the very pleasurable
activities they'd just finished, made Logan more than
a little excited.

"Me too."

"You did? Um, well, good. Good. Maybe we can do
that again sometime." Warmth bled through his whole
body at the thought, and the urge to go again was
making itself felt. "What wouldya like to do now?"
Marie frowned a little, thinking. "'Cause I got to
pick one, so now it's you. I could do kinda what you
just did for me there, if you wanna." That caused her
to blush wildly, but she also nodded. "OK. Just lay
back. I'm gonna - " Marie halted his movements with
a small, gloved hand. "Darlin'?"

"Love you." He opened his mouth to respond in kind,
but she shushed him with a finger. "Let me say it. I
love you, Logan. A lot. I love you. I want to be
with you all the time and I want to make you happy. I
want you to always be happy with me. I'm really happy
with you."

"That's real sweet, darlin'." He settled himself on
top of her and stroked her hair a little bit. "I'm
very happy with you. I always have been, you know?"

Her eyebrows knitted together at that. "It was hard,
though, before, wasn't it? When I was." She trailed
off, averting her eyes a bit, but Logan knew what she

"Nah. I'd look over at you then and think - thank God
she's with me, thank God I got her outta there. I was
so happy you were still alive and I just knew you'd
get better. I just knew it, in my gut. I dunno what
I'd do if I hadta be without you. Darlin', I can't
remember a time that I was ever happy outside of the
times I've been with you. I know I ain't a gushy
kinda guy, but you gotta know that you're everythin'
to me. Just everythin'." She smiled at that, and
he leaned down for a quick kiss, touching his bare
lips to hers. "Come on now, lemme show ya." He gave
her a playful wink, and began tending to her.

Soooo......it's time to pick your poison, and this time
there's no talk, all action ;)

1) Jubes and Kitty ignore the Professor's warning and
experiment on themselves with mutatol
2) Xavier and Scott send Bobby to Canada to connect
with one of the young residents of Logan's house
3) Scott discovers Jean's 'mistake' and confronts her
on it

And the winner is #3.......NEXT


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