The More, The Merrier
Title: Rule Number Fourteen: The More, The Merrier
Author: Terri
Rating: R
Disclaimer: I don't own them, except for Jules, Sari, and Jane.  And Marvel can't have them ;)
Archive: WRFA, Mutual Admiration, Peep Hut - all others, please ask :)
Feedback: Please? Although the surgeon general warns that good feedback will only lead to more fic.........  Good, bad, and ugly welcome.........
Summary: Sequel to Unlucky Thirteen.  The Prof makes a return trip to the mountains, with a crowd in tow; Logan and Marie get an addition as well; almost no one is very merry about it all.
Comments: Sorry this has been so long in coming.  I had major issues with the Marie/Jane conversation for some reason, and then with the Logan/Charles discussion toward the end.  Logan reflects a thought I've heard often - we judge others on their actions and ourselves on our intentions.  True, I think.  Also, I waffled about where to end this chapter.  Finally, I decided that Logan/Marie sex is always a good ending ;) I've really got to get my act together here.......


Marie's been different lately.  I dunno exactly what it is, but it's somethin' goin' on inside her 'cause she smells different.  Not bad-different, in fact, it's pretty damn good-different.  But it's a change and Marie's all nervous.  I dunno what's goin' on and she's not sayin' nothin'.  I think - I think maybe I should say somethin', maybe I should ask. 

"Hey, darlin'."  She looks just so cute in the mornin'.  Hair all messed up, sleepy eyes.  "You up?"

"Mmm-hmmm.  But I'm way too warm and snuggly to actually get up."  Heh.  She's always happiest in the mornin', before she gets outta bed.  Well, then, and when we're havin' sex. 

"Can I ask you somethin'?"

"Sure."  You know, the way she cuddles up against me and starts runnin' her little hands all over me - that ain't conducive to logical thinkin' and serious discussion.  But I think I gotta ask.  It's definitely somethin'.

"Is there somethin' goin on with you?  I mean, you smell a little different."  Whoa.  That picked her head right up.  And she sure don't look happy now - she looks all nervous.  "I, uh, just mean that you, um, seem a little different and I was wonderin' what's up with that."

Oh-oh.  Frownin'.  I don't like it when she does that - means she's upset 'bout somethin', not just nervous.  "I think maybe we should talk.  I've been - well, I've been having these thoughts for the past week and I think that maybe - maybe - wait.  Let me start over.  Remember around Thanksgiving when we were together and the condom slipped off and stayed inside me for a little while?"

"Yeah."  That was the last close call we had, though.  Haven't had any since then, so if she's nervous 'bout hurtin' me or somethin', I dunno why -

"I think - I've been thinking that - well, since last week, I - hmph."  Frustrated now.  I recognize those expressions too.  "I'm late, Logan."

"Late?"  Late for what?  We haven't made any plans and Christmas isn't until tomorrow - she can't mean late for some holiday thing, can she?  'Cause -

"My period.  It's late.  It's a week late, and I'm never late.  That could mean - it might mean that there's a chance that I could possibly be, you know, pregnant."  Wincin', almost like she's afraid of my reaction.  But if she said - she said pregnant, right?  As in, like, havin' a baby, her and me.  That's nothin' but a good thing. 

"Pregnant, you think?"  Noddin'.  Still nervous.  "Well, that's good news, darlin'.  Real good news."

"Logan, I don't know - with my mutation, I don't know how that would affect the baby or if I could even carry a child.  And we're - our lives just aren't suited for that right now.  I mean, I don't want to have a baby in our Jeep or in some hotel room and have to live on the road with a small child.  I just - I don't know if I could do that and - "

"Hey, hey."  She's gettin' all worked up, all carried away here.  "You smell OK.  You smell good.  I could tell ya smelled different, though, and I kinda think that you're right, that it's that you have a baby growin' in there.  You don't smell like anythin's wrong, and I'm pretty sure I'd know.  I think it's gonna be OK."

"We're not ready, though, and it was an accident.  I don't know.."

Shit.  Shit.  Didn't think - she's got plenty of reasons to be nervous 'bout this, besides what she said.  What if the kid is all fucked up 'cause of me?  What if it comes out messed up 'cause of the stuff they did to me in that lab?  And what if she didn't mean to have babies with me?  I mean, I know she says yeah, someday - but that's different.  That's just talkin' 'bout it, not havin' it be a reality.  Maybe now that there's a chance, she's rethinkin' all that.  But you know what?  It's - it's a baby, it's our kid, and however it turns out, I'll love it.  "Marie, I know it's - it's a little scary and we didn't plan on this happenin'.  I - I understand if you're nervous 'bout how the kid's gonna be, and how we're gonna raise it.  But I wantcha to know that I'll be a good dad to the kid.  I will.  I'll take care of it and protect it and make sure it has everythin' it needs."

"Oh, Logan, I don't have any doubts about that.  I'm just - I guess I'm just feeling like I'm not ready to be a mom, you know?  What if - what if I turn out to be a bad mom?  My parents weren't so great and - and I just feel like I need more stability and - I guess I'm just freaking out a little bit.  I'm sorry."  Clingin' to me real tight and I can smell a little bit of tears on her. 

"You're not like your mom, darlin', you gotta stop thinkin' like that.  And we'll get some stability, we'll get whatever you need.  I'm gonna take care of ya."  Don't want her to think I can't do that.  I know I'm all fucked up and I haven't been haulin' the financial load and all that stuff, but I can do it.  I can do it for my family. 

"I guess we should - maybe we should go into town today and get a pregnancy test to be sure.  We could - we could talk to Hank when they come back up after Christmas.  We could ask him how he thinks my mutation might affect the baby.  OK.  OK.  Let's do that."  She gets like this sometimes - gets all rational and makin' plans and stuff.  She does that when there's some kinda crisis, to try to feel like she's on toppa things, to try to feel less scared.  It's a good quality, and it's helped us out a lot, but I want her to know that I can take care of things too. 

"It's OK if you're scared.  It's a big thing.  But, Marie - I know I ain't got much to offer, but I'm gonna take care of you and our kid.  I'm gonna do that, I promise.  You don't hafta - you don't hafta be the one takin' charge of everythin'.  I can help you."  Oh-oh.  Big eyes lookin' up at me all wet with tears and - hey, no, that's good.  She smells OK.    And now she's smilin' a little bit.

"OK."  Good.  That made her feel better.  Just gonna hold her for a little while now.  She's got - she's got our kid in there.  Wow.   I'm gonna show her - I hafta show her that I can take care of 'em both, that I can be a good dad.   I hafta show her that somehow.

Blue stick.  So weird.  You pee on a stick and it changes your whole life.  My stick is blue.  That means there's a baby.  A baby.  I'm going to be a mom in about eight months.  Well, I'll be a mom in eight months, if all goes well.  And with my mutation, that's a big 'if.'  You know, all I can think about right now are the 'what if's.  What if my skin starts hurting the baby?  What if I don't have those maternal instincts?  Mystique didn't, so why the heck should I have them?  What if I can't take care of the baby?  I'm only nineteen.  Teenage mothers - isn't it supposed to be an awful thing to be a teenage mother?  What if I hurt the baby with my skin?  What if  -

"So that means baby, right?"  Logan - he's been so good about this, but I know it has to have thrown him for a heck of a loop too.  Sometimes I catch him looking so sad.  I don't think it's that he doesn't want the baby, actually.  I think he likes the idea of being a dad.  It's just - I don't know - something's making him scared and nervous.  Maybe it's me - maybe he's worried that my skin will hurt it, I don't know. 

"Yeah.  Baby."  Oh.  Hugging me - that's - he's hugging me very gently.  That's nice. 

"Don't you worry 'bout a thing, darlin'.  You and me and the baby, we're all gonna be just fine.  I'm gonna take care of ya both, Marie, I promise."  Darn it, now I'm going to cry.  I just feel like - like my emotions are all out of control lately.  I don't know if it's the hormones or what, but it's definitely something.  "Don't cry.  Don't cry, honey.  It's gonna be OK.  I'm gonna take care of you both, it's gonna be all right.  I'm gonna love you and the baby a whole lot, Marie."

"Then why are you so sad?"  Damn.  That just popped out.  "I'm sorry, I'm sorry.  I know you'll love us both, I do.  But - but ever since I told you this morning, you look sad.  I'm sorry about my skin.  I know it might hurt the baby and I understand if you'd be mad at me for - "

"No.  No way.  I'm not - I'm not mad about your skin.  I wasn't even thinkin' that." 

"What then?"

Oh, God, it is something serious - just look at that big sigh.  "Let's sit down, OK?  I know you - you're usually the one who says stuff, but we're both a little uptight and maybe I should say some stuff now.  We got - we got a baby on the way and I'm so happy to have that.  I don't have anythin' in this whole world 'cept you, and that's OK, 'cause you're what I want the most.  But now we got a baby on the way too.  We're gonna be a family, a real family.  And I know you're probably thinkin' - hey, what if the kid's all messed up like Logan is?  The kid might turn out bad or somethin'.  I know that's a risk we're takin' and - "

"Logan, that thought never crossed my mind."  There's his skeptical look.  I know it well.  God, I had no idea he was thinking all this.  I've been stewing in my own emotions and ignoring him.  Great job, Rogue.  Great job.  Oh, you're cut out to be a mom for sure.  Very nurturing.  "In fact, I was thanking God you were the father because then I know the child will be strong and smart and good.  It's going to get so many good things from you, Logan.  I wasn't - I didn't think for a second that you being the dad would be anything but a good thing." 

"I know I ain't been takin' care of you like I should.  You've had to carry us a lot.  I know I let those - those lab guys get ya.  I know I haven't been - I haven't exactly showed ya that I'm the kinda guy who you'd want to be the dad of your kids, the kinda guy you'd want takin' care of you and a little one.  But that's gonna change.  You'll see.  When we come down outta here, it's gonna be me workin' and us gettin' a camper to live in and me takin' real good care of you the whole time.  It's gonna be different, I promise."

"Oh, Logan"  Marie, it's time to get your head out of your butt.  Look at what he's been thinking all day. It's time to fix a few things and stop obsessing over your own issues.  "It's not going to be any different."  Ouch - so much hurt in his eyes there.  Better explain fast.  "That's what you have been doing - taking very good care of me - this whole time.  Logan, I saw how you were with me and with Jules - I have absolutely no doubts that you'll be there for me and that you'll take care of whatever this child needs.  I know that, I know it deep in my bones.  It's what you've been doing ever since I met you.  I'm counting on that not being different, on that staying the same.  Oh, honey, I didn't mean to make you think those things, I didn't.  I'm just scared about me.  I don't have any worries about you.  None at all."

"Yeah?"  He wants to believe me, but he's not quite sure yet.  "'Cause if you do, I - we can talk about 'em or somethin'.  We gotta be up-front with each other." 

"I don't have a single worry, not about you.  I'm just - I'm scared I'll be a bad mom, and I know you said not to - not to worry about me being like my mom, but you see it all the time - people who just copy how their parents raised them, and I don't want to do that.  I don't want to, but I'm afraid I won't be able to help it.  I just - "

"You didn't turn out nothin' like her as a person, and I don't think there's a chance in the world you'd turn out like her as a mom."  So much fire in his eyes, he seems so sure of that. 

"Thank you."  Just have to give him a quick sideburn-kiss.  "But I'm worried about other things too.  I'm worried about what my skin will do to the baby.  Both - both while I'm carrying it and when it's born.  I could accidentally touch it so easily.  I couldn't - I couldn't live with having killed my own child, Logan, I couldn't."

"You're not gonna - "

"I know you want to believe it'll all be OK, but the reality is that it might not be.  We don't know if I can carry this child with my skin how it is.  We don't know if it'll be OK.  If it's not - I just don't know if I could take that."  I really wish I didn't start crying every five minutes.  That's not - that's not exactly the picture of stable parenthood.

"We'll deal with it.  I hear what you're sayin', I do, and I know we'll hafta be careful when the kid comes out, but I think it's gonna be OK as long as it's in you.  You smell OK.  I trust my instincts, Marie.  I think it's gonna be just fine."  It's funny how he can never keep his hands off me when I'm upset.  Holding me, touching me - he must know or smell how much it comforts me.  "Look, let's just think 'bout this as a happy thing, OK?  No, we dunno exactly how it's all gonna go, and we didn't plan on doin' this, not right now, but we do know that we wanna have a baby together and that we're both gonna take care of it the best we can.  That's gotta be enough for us.  We can do it, we can do it, Marie, I know we can.  And we'll - we'll be a family.  Once we have that kid, there's no goin' back, you know?  There'll always be somethin' between you and me.  We'll always be together for sure then."  He's amazing.  He's just an amazing man.  He's so good to me. 

"We'll always be together no matter what."   That got a big smile.  "I'm glad you made us talk about all this."

"Yeah."  He looks pretty relieved and I feel better too.  "Uh, do you think - do you think we can, you know, be together while you're pregnant and all?  'Cause right now would be a pretty good time to - "

"Yes."  Heh.  That's an even bigger smile.  "Yes."

"Merry Christmas, darlin'."  Heh.  Bet she thought I wouldn't remember right away.  But it's an important day, and even more so now 'cause of the baby. 

"Merry Christmas, handsome."  We had lotsa sex last night.  Just went to bed and stayed there.  I think it's OK, I don't think it's hurtin' the baby.  And I think it made Marie feel a lot better, you know, emotionally.  We talked a lot in between, and I think we got everythin' hashed out.  I know she still might be thinkin' 'bout some of the stuff that's got her worried, but I think she'll feel better after she talks to Hank - they're all comin' up tomorrow - the Professor, Hank and Jules, and Jules' new friend and her mom.  Lotta company, and I kinda wish now that we hadn't agreed to all that, but I am glad Hank'll be here.  Once she settles a little, that'll be better.  I don't want her to be worried or nervous or upset 'bout anythin'.  It's bad for Marie, and it can't be good for the kid either.  I don't want him feelin' all those hard emotions while he's growin' inside her.  Means I gotta keep Marie feelin' OK, keep her happy, so the kid gets good feelin's.  Last night went a long way towards that, I think.

"Today's the big holiday."  Just gonna tease her a little.  I know she said not to do presents, and I didn't buy nothin'.  I know our budget's tight.  But I made her somethin', and the kid too.  Hadta be a little sneaky, hadta do it after she fell asleep last night, but they're done.  "The big present- givin' holiday."

"Logan.."  She's givin' me the I-said-no-presents look.  Heh.  I think she's due for a little more teasin'


"We decided not to get each other presents." 

"We did?"  Heh.  Crinkly nose, lips pressed together.  "I don't seem to remember agreein' to that."

"Logan"  Not really mad, just playin'. 

"In fact, I seem to remember somethin' 'bout you likin' presents on Christmas."

"I do, but we decided not to spend any money on them." 

"Ah, I got it now.  Yeah, I remember us decidin' the no money thing, but that don't mean no presents."  Just gonna hop outta bed and grab 'em.  I bet she'll like these. 

"What's this?"

"Well, you gotta open the box and see."  Didn't have no wrappin' paper, so I just used a box I found 'round here.  Wrapped the stuff up in some Kleenex inside the box.  I think that'll be OK. 

"Oh, Logan!"  Heh.  Knew she'd like it.  "It's perfect!  But how - how did you make these?" 

"Well, I got some wood from the firewood pile and some fur offa that last deer we got.  Figured that'd make a good paintbrush for ya.  Put it together with one of those little ornament hooks - hadta melt the metal a little.  That part was a little tricky.  But I knew you wanted new ones."  Good thing Xavier had a box of old ornaments around here.  It was kinda fun decoratin' with Marie.  Chopped down a tree for her, helped her put on the little bulbs and whatnot.  It's my first Christmas, really.

"It's perfect, just perfect."  God, she looks like she's gonna explode with happy any second here.  I knew she'd like presents.  She's always sayin' no, she don't need nothin', but I think that's just 'cause our money is so tight.  I gotta remember that, and account for it in the future.  I don't want her or our kid goin' without, and I gotta remember she might not say anythin' if she's worried 'bout the money, gotta remember she likes presents even if she won't ask for 'em.  I just hope she likes this one too.

"I got one more.  It's for the baby, you know, but I thought maybe you could open it for him." 

"Oh, Logan, that's so sweet."  Been thinkin' 'bout the paintbrushes for a while, but I just found out 'bout the little one yesterday, so I kinda hadta hurry with this.  "Oh, it's - it's - "  Oh-oh.  Cryin'. 

"Hey, it's OK.  We don't hafta give it to the kid, you know.  I really dunno what babies like.  I just kinda thought it'd be nice if - "

"No, no, it's just right.  It's wonderful.  You - you - it's just wonderful."  Ah, they're good tears.  And now she's huggin' me.  Yeah, it's OK.  "Besides, every baby needs blocks, right?  And these are going to be really special.  Handmade by his dad.  Or her dad."  That little smile on Marie - that's what I was aimin' for.  "You carved letters into them and pictures and everything.  When - when did you do this?"

"Last night, after you went to sleep.  Don't worry, I kept an eye on ya.  Carved mosta the stuff in the bathroom.  I wouldn't skip out and not watch ya or nothin'."  Especially not now that she's got a little one with her.  Don't want her worryin' 'bout that, not one bit.  I'm always gonna watch over her.

"You're the best guy ever, do you know that?"

"Well, I'm glad you think so, darlin'."  Just gonna stay here in bed a while and hold her.  Yep, just gonna snuggle up and -

"Hey.  Stay right there a second.  I'll be right back.  I - I got you a little present too."

"Hey!"  Little tease.  That woman's a little tease. 

"Well, it's your first Christmas with me, with us, you know, together.  I couldn't let that pass without a present."  She wrapped hers - with wrappin' paper even.  No, no it ain't wrappin' paper - it looks like - yep, brown grocery bags, inside out, and all painted pretty. 

"When did you do all this?"

"I'm sneaky."  Heh.  Wagglin' eyebrows and all.  "Come on, open it."

"OK."  I think this is my first present ever.  It's kinda nice, you know, somebody gettin' you somethin' to make you happy and make it a nice holiday.  It's a nice feelin'.  "Oh, Marie." 

It's just beautiful.  Just - just the best one I've ever seen, and that's sayin' somethin' 'cause Marie's a damn talented painter.  But this one - it's her best one for sure.  "Jules helped me - that's - that's his little hand-print in the corner next to my signature."

"It's real nice."  There's just so much love in it, you know?  I wonder if that's how she really sees me - I mean, I know it's just me, sittin' on a rock by the fire.  But I look so, I dunno, good and not just, you know, physically good, in the picture.  I look like I'm strong, like I'm a real man, you know?  Her man.  And it's painted like - like - yeah, this is somebody I love.  I can't put my finger on it, but you can just tell it by the way it's painted.  "It's real nice, Marie.  It's - I really like it."


"Yeah."  I dunno the words for how much it means to me - not the paintin', but her lettin' me know, showin' me that she sees me like this.  Not like an experiment, not like some fucked-up weirdo, not stupid, not damaged.  I dunno the words to say all that right.  I think what she said - what she said 'bout her bein' OK with me bein' the dad - I think she means it.  If she sees me like this, she must really, really mean it. 

"Come here."  She's always so good to me, my Marie.  Just gotta be sure to be that good back, to give her all that love back like she gives me.  Right now, I gotta hug her back.  Maybe that'll say it better than words.  "I love you so much, Logan.  You're just - I want you to know that you're just perfect for me.  You're just perfect for me and our baby."

"Me too.  All that - that goes for you too.  Love you, Marie."  Christmas - it's definitely a good holiday.

"Whaddya mean, 'hypothesis'?"  Hank's usin' entirely too many complicated words for my comfort here.  All I wanna know is a simple yes or no - is the baby gonna be OK?

"My theory, my best guess.  It would be my best guess that the child you are carrying would have a natural immunity to your skin, at least while in utero.  It may carry that mutation out of the womb as well."

"So you're saying that I might be able to touch my baby?"  That's good news.  That's damn good news. 

"It is certainly possible, yes.  But do not - do not get your hopes up.  It is one theory."

"Right.  Right."  Marie's been holdin' up OK through all of this.  "As long as it's OK in the womb, I think I can handle it if - if the baby can't touch me."  She's been holdin' my hand real tight the whole time, and I think I'm a comfort to her here.  Hank too - he's a good doctor and he really knows what he's doin'.  That makes Marie feel better too. 

"Marie, I know that you - that you feel very uncomfortable about medical procedures, but being pregnant - it will mean that you must be closely monitored, it will mean ultrasounds and perhaps a check of the amniotic fluid.  It will mean regular medical check ups.  How - how would you like to proceed on that front?"  Well, she's lookin' at me.  Yep, this is where we talked 'bout me jumpin' in. 

"We, uh, were hopin' you'd be Marie's doctor for this.  I mean, I know you're busy in New York and all, but we were kinda hopin' you'd help her out here.  She really only feels even remotely comfortable with you touchin' her in a medical kinda way, and I kinda don't want anybody else near her and our kid.  I know it's a lot to ask.  We'd pay ya, you know, for your travelin' and your time."  Dunno exactly how we're gonna afford that, but it ain't fair to ask Hank to do all that without payin' him for it. 

"Would you consider it, Hank?  Please?"  How anyone could say no to the big brown eyes and the Marie-please, I dunno.  But Hank looks like he's thinkin' it over some. 

"I would be pleased to assist you.  But - but I have a few concerns.  Long distance medical care is not - is not usually desired in obstetrics.  I can get to you more quickly than an ordinary doctor, because of the blackbird, but there may still be a delay when you go into labor.  If - if you conceived in late November, as you believe, then you will be due in late August, so the weather should not be a factor, but still, you may wish to engage a local doctor, or --or consider relocating closer to Westchester.  The fact is, that all of my medical equipment is there.  Of course, there are some objects that can be transported, but - well, it is difficult to do so and we risk damaging some instruments in transport.  You may want to consider moving near Westchester in order to have the best access to that equipment."  Marie's frownin' and I don't like that idea much myself. 

"Additionally, this is not my field of expertise.  In fact, far from it.  And even though my hypothesis is that your mutation will not present special difficulties, there is a chance that may not be the case, and an expert in gynecology and obstetrics, particularly one with experience in mutant pregnancies, may be a wiser choice.  Lastly, there is my friendship with the Professor.  The fact that you have excluded him from this conversation - it gives me pause.  Of course I will keep everything you have told me confidential, but I will need to explain to him where I am going and why I am taking significant time away from my post at the school.  If you do not wish to inform him of your pregnancy, that may present an ethical dilemma for me." 

Hmmm.  Hank makes a coupla good points.  This ain't gonna be as easy as I thought.  "Whaddya think, darlin'?"

"Well, I - if you're willing to do it, Hank, I definitely want you to be my doctor.  Let's just start there, with that decision.  I know you'll - you'll take good care of me, and I know you'll figure out what you need to, to help me out.  Everything else - well, I just - I'm not ready to move to Westchester, and I don't know what to do about that.  I don't want to take any chances with the baby, and I want it to have the best medical care, but I - I just don't think I can make myself move there."   I kinda understand that.  And I'm glad she wants Hank.  Honestly, I don't think I'd want some guy or even some woman I didn't know and trust takin' care of her private parts, not to mention lookin' out for our kid.  "As far as the Professor..I guess I just didn't want to tell him yet, not this early.  But - but I think it's OK to tell him, if it will make it easier on you, Hank.  I think that's OK.  Logan - what - what about you?  What do you think about all this?"

"Well, I don't wanna move to New York.  No offense, Hank, but it's too many X-men.  If they tried to pull somethin', well, I could have a hard time fightin' 'em all off."  Plus, she don't need to be anywhere near that asshole Scott.  He definitely don't need to be hangin' all over her while she's pregnant with my kid.

"I can assure you that they are not planning - "

"Yeah, I know.  But I ain't takin' any chances.  Not while Marie's pregnant especially.  We'd always both be worried 'bout it, and I just - I don't think that's good for Marie or our kid."  Hank's noddin'.  I think he gets that.  And I think it mean I was right too, when I was thinkin' I gotta keep Marie happy so the baby don't get any bad feelin's.  "I wantcha to be Marie's doctor.  I trust ya, Hank, and so does she.  But we're gonna hafta work somethin' out where you can come to us for medical stuff and bring whatever equipment you need.  I know that'll be expensive, but - but we'll find a way to pay ya for it."  Shit, that'll be expensive as hell.  And we gotta get a camper for us to live in too.  I'm definitely gonna hafta think of somethin'.  

"I am not concerned with remuneration.  I am happy to do this for you both.  You - you have given Jules to me, and this will be but a small repayment of your kindness to him."

"It ain't right not to pay ya, and we don't need charity." 

"I know.  I know.  But, Logan - if you were in my position, if someone had saved your child's life and had given your child back to you, how would you feel?  Would you not wish heartily to repay them in any way possible?"  Well, big blue's got a point there.  Yeah, I would feel like that.  "Please, it would be doing me a favor to provide you and Marie this assistance."

"That's very sweet of you, Hank."  Marie's squeezin' his hand.  I guess that's settled, then.  I don't necessarily like it that way, but - but Hank's a little right in this. 

"It is truly my pleasure.  Now, that leaves the matter of the Professor."


If she thinks it's OK to tell him, I guess it's OK with me.  But there's gotta be a coupla ground rules there.  "We can tell him.  But I don't want him buttin' in and thinkin' it's his kid too or somethin'.  Yeah, it's his grandkid by blood and whatever, but it's me and Marie's kid.  And I swear to God, if he ever tries to hurt this kid, I'll hack him to fuckin' pieces.  I mean it.  He's not lockin' our kid up or hurtin' it like he did to Marie, no way."  Marie's noddin'.  She's with me on this. 

"OK.  Shall we tell him now, then?"

"I guess so."  Marie's a little worried 'bout that, I can tell. 

"Why dontcha let me tell him, darlin'?  I can handle it."  I promised I take care of her, and it starts right here.  She don't need the extra stress of findin' nice words to tell him she's pregnant and how it's all gonna go.  I can find a way to tell him.  I'm gonna take care of that. 

"Thanks, Logan."  See?  That's what she wants, for me to take care of stuff like that for her.  I promised her I would, and I'm gonna do it. 

"Very well, then.  Would you - would you like me to leave you three alone, or - "

"No."  Heh.  Both me and Marie said it at the same time. 

"Sorry.  It's just that - that I'd really like you here, Hank.  You're going to be the baby's doctor, and I'm sure he'll have some medical questions.  I'd really like you to be here to field those, if it's OK with you."

"Of course.  Let me get the Professor."  Hank, he's a good guy.  Yeah, he wasn't so great to Marie at first and yeah, he's got some loyalties to her dad, but he's basically a real good guy. 

"Ah, Hank said that there is something you wish to discuss with me?"  I simply informed the Professor that it was a private matter and that Logan and Marie had some news of import to share with him.  I am eternally grateful for impulsively having asked Jane and Sari along on this little 'Christmas vacation.'  I do not know what we would be doing with Jules right now if she were not here to watch the children. 

"Yeah."  I most sincerely hope that Logan pulls this off well.  He is sometimes very plain-spoken and I know that he does not have much affection for Charles.  "Marie and me, we wanted to tell ya somethin'.  We're gonna have a baby.  She's about a month along."

"Oh."  Perhaps I should have worried some about Charles' reaction.  I would have thought he would be pleased, if not at the thought of becoming a grandfather, at least at the thought that Marie is including him in her life in this manner.  But he looks very grave at the moment.  "I see."

Marie looks a little confused by his reaction as well, but I believe that Logan will press ahead.  "We're hopin' to have Hank here be Marie's doctor, so we wanted to make sure you knew what was goin' on."  Logan is actually, all things considered, handling this quite well.  "Me and Marie, we're real happy 'bout this, and we're lookin' forward to havin' a little one."  Very polite - dare I say tactful? - of Logan there.  But then again, he is ever-vigilant against causing Marie stress or discomfort and especially so now. 

"Yes, congratulations."  There - Charles appears a little happier now.  Perhaps it was simply a shock for him at first.  "Might I ask where you are planning to live now?"

"Here, until New Year's, then back in the Jeep."  Marie looks not-entirely-happy with Charles' reaction.  I wonder what she is thinking. 

"Marie, surely you cannot be considering living in the Jeep while you are - are with child."  Oh, dear.  Now would be a very good time for Charles to remember my advice about trying not to push Marie.  "You can - you are more than welcome to live at the mansion.  That way, Hank would always be on hand to - "

"We already decided we're not livin' in Westchester, and especially not at the mansion.  We don't wanna."  I believe that tone signals that Logan is reaching the end of his reserve of patience. 

"Then - then permit me to allow you to stay here indefinitely.  You shall need a place to stay, you cannot continue living a nomadic life based out of a car."  Oh, my.  That elicited a growl from Logan. 

"Look, bub, we don't need your permission to do nothin' and we sure as hell don't want your charity.  I can take care of Marie just fine."  Yes, indeed, that is the more familiar Logan - impatient, and with a hair trigger temper toward everyone who is not Marie. 

"I did not mean to imply otherwise."  Now, that was certainly not a good response.  Not when delivered in that defensive, hostile tone.  Perhaps I will send the Professor a mental bit of advice.  "And if you truly care for my daughter as much as you say you do, you would not place your own pride above her well-being.  I cannot imagine why - "  Ah-ha.  I believe Charles has received my thoughts.  "Ahem.  Forgive me.  What I mean to say is that - "

"Nah, save it.  I got a pretty good idea of what you meant."  Marie looks definitively sad now.  "And I don't know who the hell you think you are to tell me I don't care 'bout Marie.  Lemme tell ya somethin' - I don't care how much money or how many damn fancy houses you got, it don't give you the right to say shit like that."  Marie - she is sensing that Logan is losing control.  She is putting her hand on his arm and catching his eyes.  "Sorry, darlin'.  I'm just so pissed off."

"I know." 

"I honestly did not mean for it to appear that I was - "

"Professor."  Oh, dear.  That cold, distant tone in Marie's voice cannot be a good sign.  "I appreciate you letting us stay here for the holidays."  And now tears are threatening.  Goodness gracious, this has gone all wrong.  "And I'm sorry if you're mad that I'm pregnant.  I'm sure you don't want to see Mystique's genes carried on, but the fact of the matter is that I'm having this baby and it's really not up to you whether I have it in a mansion or a Jeep."  My, oh, my - she is sobbing in earnest now.  "I don't think I w-want to stay here now, so we'll j-just - we'll pack up and get going.  I don't th-think I can be friends with y-you if you think Logan would ever b-be - "

"Marie, please - "

"Would ever be s-selfish toward me.  He t-touched me.  He touched my sk-skin.  He could've died, easily.  Did you forget that?  Did you forget that's how he came to your lab?"  Our *lab* - oh, dear, this is going very badly indeed.  "He was in a coma because he risked his life to save mine.  So I don't really want to hear you making subtle digs about him being selfish.  It's my decision too.  It's my baby too.  And I don't want to be anywhere near you, OK?" 

"Marie, wait!  Marie!"

"Just let her go, bub.  You upset her enough."  I do believe that Logan's claws are about to come out at any moment.  "Some father you are."  I suppose that I should be grateful that he will place a higher priority on going after Marie instead of clawing at the Professor.

"Hank, I - Hank, please - please go and talk to them.  Explain - explain that I did not mean to suggest anything negative or - or insulting." 

"Charles, my friend, I doubt that Marie would be receptive to hearing that at the moment.  And Logan - he may never be receptive to hearing that at all."  I cannot imagine what provoked Charles to respond with such lack of sensitivity to the emotional nuances of the situation.  "What were you thinking, Professor?"

"Marie was correct.  I am ashamed to say that my initial reaction was that it would not suit things to have Mystique's line continue.  I did not wish for - Marie turned out very well despite her mother's influence, and I did not wish to take the chance of producing another Mystique as it were.  It was only a momentary reaction, but I could have sworn that - that Marie somehow picked up on that thought.  I could have sworn I felt her mind."

"Mutations - mutations can manifest themselves when there are hormonal changes in the body, and I would not rule out the idea that she may have inherited some of your gifts, Professor."  Quite a fascinating idea, in fact.   One could do an entire study on the likelihood of manifestation of additional mutant powers during pregnancy.  I wonder if anyone has embarked upon that line of -

"I did not mean to insult them, Hank, but surely, as her doctor, surely you can see the rationale behind not wanting her to be living out of that Jeep.  I cannot bear to think of my daughter, with child, living under those conditions.  Not when she has assistance readily available to her.  Not when I have ample resources with which to help her."

"Sir, with all due respect, people, generally speaking, do not like to be told what to do.  You made an assumption, not an offer of assistance.  Knowing that Marie is so sensitive to having been locked up and to having others control her life, did it not occur to you that the way you put forward your comments might insult her, might frighten her away?"  Not to mention Logan, whose protectiveness of Marie and, yes, pride, could be seen from a mile away. 

"I was not thinking, Hank.  I suppose I was - I was reacting emotionally.  This is not the situation I would have wished for Marie.  She is so young and she has already been through so much."

"It is the situation she finds herself in.  Your choice now is to support her or to try to impose your wishes.  Which do you suppose will meet with more success?"

"Hank, do you think you can speak with her?  Try to - try to tell her that I am sorry and - "

"I will ask her to speak with you.   I know her well enough, Professor, to know that that is the only way in which she might listen."

"I don't want to talk to him."  No shit, Sherlock.  Can't ya tell that by how much she's cryin'?

"He is very remorseful and - "

"And I know what he thinks - I'm going to have some kind of evil little baby, something just like Mystique.  I know that's what he thinks, Hank.  He's - it's almost like I can feel him thinking that."

"Perhaps you can.  Marie, have you ever had that sensation before?  The feeling of another's thoughts in your own mind?"

"No.  No.  But it was weird.  It was strong."  That asshole better not have tried to mess around with her head.  I swear to God, if he did, I'm gonna go out there and fuck him up right now.

"Marie, I suspect that you may - and I would stress 'may' - be manifesting your father's powers due to the hormonal changes brought on by pregnancy.  Most mutations manifest in puberty, and it would make sense that sweeping hormonal changes at a later stage of life may also trigger latent mutations.  Even before this, even before your pregnancy, the Professor could not detect you telepathically.  It was almost as though you were blocking his efforts with your own telepathy.  Perhaps - perhaps it is more than an emotional reaction."

"Oh, God.."  Shit.  She don't look good at all.  Hand up to her mouth, shakin', lotsa tears.  "I don't want that.  I don't want his powers.  I don't want that."

"Shhh.  It's OK, darlin'.  It's OK.  It's just a theory, right, Hank?" 


"Try to calm down, honey, bein' all upset ain't gonna do ya no good."  If I'd have known it was gonna go this way, I woulda said no, let's not tell him.  Fucker.


"You just - why dontcha just sit down on the bed a while, OK?  I'll pack us up.  I'll take care of everythin'.  You just rest a while."

"Logan, I think - I think maybe I should talk to him."

"Darlin', you don't owe him nothin'.  You don't owe him the benefit of the doubt here.  Fuck him.  He's bein' an asshole."  Noddin'.  But she's not really convinced, I can tell.  "Why?  Why do ya wanna talk to him?  It's only gonna getcha more upset, baby."

"I guess I don't want - I don't want him to hate me, to hate this baby.  I feel like I have to try to fix it.  I don't know."

Shit.  She's always wantin' to be kind to people, and she don't realize that some people - you just hafta write 'em off 'cause they ain't gonna change no matter how nice ya are to 'em.  Shit, most people are like that.  Shoulda known her dad wouldn't change.  Just 'cause you got fancy degrees and shit don't mean that you're any better or smarter than anybody else.  And bein' educated - well, that ain't a guarantee that someone's gonna be open-minded enough to change.  Seein' that right here.  But Marie - she don't change either, and her bein' kind, well, that's generally a good thing.  I guess I should let her do what she hasta do without makin' a fuss over it.  Takin' care of her, though - I still gotta do that.  "All right.  But I'm stayin' with ya.  I don't trust him.  And the first thing he says to upset ya, I'm gonna bounce his ass right outta this room.  I don't want him makin' you and the baby all upset.  OK?"  Noddin'.  Christ, this is gonna be hard.  "All right, Hank.  And hey - thanks for - for bein' so good about this.  Thanks for still bein' Marie's doctor and all." 

"Certainly.  I shall get the Professor.  And, Marie - Logan is correct.  Try to remain calm.  Undue stress is not good for you or the baby.  Let that be my first official advice as your doctor."   And I hope she takes it.  Don't want her lettin' her dad make her any more upset than she already is.  Maybe - maybe I can say some stuff to help her out here. 

"Look, Marie, here's how it is, OK?  You and me, we're our own family now, and especially now that we got the baby cookin' in there.  I just wantcha to know that you - you're always gonna have family and this asshole - if he's not treatin' ya right, well, then, he don't need to be a part of your family.  You got me.  You got us."  That didn't come out gentle or anythin', but I think it was right.  She's huggin' me real tight.

"Thanks, Logan.  I needed to hear that."  Yeah, I'm good at this now - givin' Marie exactly what she needs.  I'm real good at it, and it's a good thing, 'cause I think she's gonna need a lotta stuff after this. 


"Hello, Jules.  Did you have fun playing with Sari?"  I must admit, seeing my joyful, playful son is a welcome respite.

"Yeah!  We pway wots!"

"They sure did."  Jane - she looks quite worn out herself.  I have not been a very good host today.  I offered to take her on a vacation, a relaxing vacation, so that Sari and Jules could spend some time playing together, and I have done nothing but ask her to babysit them both. 

"I apologize for my long absence - it seems that - that there was quite a bit to be discussed." 

"Everything OK?"  Marie and Logan both seemed to take to Sari and her mother, and Jane and Marie especially hit it off.  All of those questions Marie asked Jane about what it was like to be a mother - they make a lot of sense in retrospect.

"I believe it will be.  I hope your day has not been too exhausting."

"Oh, no, chasing after toddlers with an unlimited supply of energy - not exhausting in the least.  I'll just be in bed for the next few weeks" 

"Perhaps I could entice you to postpone your repose until after dinner.  I was thinking of volunteering to procure a pizza or two."

"Wots, dada!"  Ah yes, Jules' ever-present need to ensure that there will be enough food.  It is easing, and I do think he will grow out of it as he feels more secure.  But in the meantime, I must remember to account for it. 

"That sounds like an even better idea, Jules.  Jane?"

"If it's pepperoni and mushroom, you've got yourself a deal."  I have quite enjoyed the small amount of time I have been able to spend with Jane and Sari.  Jane has quite an easy going way about her.  In fact, I was expecting her to decline my blurted-out invitation to join us at a Canadian ski resort after Christmas, but she simply nodded and asked what to pack.  There are times that I wish I could be that spontaneous, that open. 

"Me wike cheese."    I can't resist picking my son up and holding him in my arms, just for a moment. 

"Just cheese for Jules.  Sari, any preferences?"

"Nope."  Just as laid back as her mother. 

"Very well then, if you will call in our order, I will be off to obtain dinner."  And hopefully, by the time I return, things over in Logan and Marie's cabin will have sorted themselves out. 

Well, I think that's as settled as it's gonna get.  At least Marie stopped cryin' and at least I didn't hafta gut her dad.  I think they got some stuff worked out.  She's still smartin' though, still hurtin', I can tell.  But I'm glad she feels a little better.  He tried to be real nice, you know, real apologetic.  Don't mean shit to me, I'll tell ya that.  But Marie appreciated him tryin' even if she still don't believe too much of what he said.  He's headin' back to his cabin, and Marie and me - we're gonna stay here until after New Year's, like we planned, but then we're outta here. 

I've been doin' some thinkin' and her dad is right 'bout one thing.  It ain't gonna do for her to be livin' outta the Jeep when she's carryin' our kid.  I've been doin' some thinkin' and I think Marie really likes it here.  I think maybe what we oughta do is see if we can find a cheap place to stay, an apartment or somethin' 'round here.  We can sell the Jeep and get a junker car or somethin' if we needta.  We can use the Jeep money to pay rent and stuff until I can get a steady job and start bringin' more money in.  I ain't gonna live offa her dad's charity.  I wouldn't, even if it was somethin' Marie would think 'bout doin'. 

"Thanks for sticking with me through all of that." 

"Aw, sure, darlin'."  She cried so much today that her eyes are still all bloodshot.  Every time I see her dad, that's what's gonna be goin' through my mind - Marie's red eyes and the sight of her all locked up back at that mansion.  That's what he does to her, and I can't forget that.  I hafta protect her, and our kid, from that.

"I don't know - I don't know whether to believe him or not.  He was being honest, I think, but I think deep down he is afraid of what this baby will turn out like and he does have definite ideas about what we should do.  I know he still wants us to go back to Westchester with him." 

"We ain't gonna do that, though."

"No, we're not.  I mean, I couldn't do it before, and I really can't do it now.  I just - I think we'll be OK, living in the Jeep.  I think we'll be OK for a while, and like you said, we can get a camper and that'll make it better too.  We'll be OK."  Brave girl, my Marie.  Gotta kiss her for that, just on toppa her head. 

"I've been doin' some thinkin'.  I kinda like it here, up in the mountains.  Whaddya think 'bout lookin' for a place to stay up here for us?"

"What, like an apartment?"

"Yeah.  I know you don't like livin' in one place, but your mom's in jail and the other bad guys pretty much are too.  I don't think anyone's gonna find us up here, at least not for a while.  I don't wantcha to be pregnant and without a home.  I think we should have a place for you to live and for the baby when he gets here.  After - after a while, maybe we can get a camper and get back on the road and do that if you wanna.  But I think now - we gotta be somewhere where Hank can always find us and havin' a stationery place - that'd be good."

"We can't afford it, Logan.  We - we don't have money for a security deposit or rent or anything like that."

"We got the Jeep.  We can sell that, get a cheaper car, and use the money until I get steady work."  Gotta make her see that I'm lookin' out for us, that I got a plan to take care of her and our baby too.  I don't want her to think for a second that I'm gonna be like her dad was with her - no clue, no plan, didn't really give a shit.  I'm gonna take care of her a lot better than that. 

"I - I don't know.  Let's just sleep on it tonight, OK?"  Those eyes're still red.  God, I wish this wouldnta happened.  I wish so bad for her that it woulda gone better.  "Can you just hold me real tight?"

"'Course, darlin'.  'Course."

It seems as though I cannot do anything without further alienating my daughter.  I understand her reactions, and should even have anticipated them, and yet, I still managed to behave in a way that ensured her further distancing herself from me. 

She doesn't project at all, and I cannot read her thoughts, even on the surface.  Perhaps that is why it is so difficult with her - my gift, the powers I rely on as though they were second nature, are of no use with her.  Not that I blame her, no.  The fault there is my own for not being more sensitive to her needs, for not learning to read other signals from her, for over-reliance on my gift to the detriment of my other observational skills.  In any case, I am the parent and she is the child - it is my responsibility to guide our relationship, to try to improve it, not Marie's.

I do believe our talk managed to patch things up somewhat.  She was very hurt by my thoughts about the potential similarity between her child and Mystique.  I do believe that Hank may be correct, that some telepathy may be manifesting in her.  If that is the case, her child may inherit not only her skin and Logan's senses and healing, it may well be a telepath too.  It would certainly be a formidable mutant in that case. 

In any case, I know she not only 'heard' my thoughts, but felt them, felt the feelings and emotions, negative ones, surrounding Mystique.  Not for the first time do I find myself cursing that horrid woman.  But Marie is correct - she is not like her mother, and perhaps her child will be more like Marie than Mystique.  One can hope. 

I suppose I underestimated the anger and resentment I still carry toward Mystique for what has happened, and for what she inflicted on me, not just for what she has done to my daughter.  That anger prompted my thoughts, thoughts that hurt Marie, thoughts that damaged our relationship.  It angers me now, to think that Mystique is still, in a way, punishing both me and Marie.  Blasted woman.

Well, I cannot wholly blame Mystique for the state of things between Marie and I.  I have contributed plenty to the current situation.  I believe Hank is correct - the situation is what it is, and I must now decide whether to support her or to continue to try to control her.  Since the latter has failed utterly, and since I wish to have an open, loving relationship with my daughter, I will attempt the former.  How to do that is the next question.

Luckily for me, Logan does project, and quite strongly.  And, while I do not believe that I will ever be able to patch things up with him, given the violence of his feelings toward me, he has provided me with some important information, information that I might be able to use to come to Marie's support.  He is thinking of settling here, of finding an apartment to live in.  I shall see to it that he does, and I shall also see to it that he finds a job.  Marie once mentioned that he worked construction jobs on and off, and I believe I still have a few family contacts in that industry.  Of course, Logan and Marie shall never know of my assistance.  They would not accept it, I am certain, and it may only frighten them into living on the road again.  No, I shall work behind the scenes and then congratulate Logan on his accomplishments.  That will not gain me any ground with Logan, I am sure, but I believe Marie would like it.  And I will have the benefit of knowing she is safe, and well. 

How is it that I have so gone astray from my intentions to love and protect my daughter, to do whatever it takes to build a good relationship with her?  I have been a surrogate father to many, but when I am called upon to undertake the real demands of parenthood, I fail miserably.  I must do better.  I must make it my foremost priority to repair my relationship with Marie and to do what I can to lessen tensions with Logan.  She is, after all, carrying my grandchild.  Grandfather - now there is a name I thought I would only ever carry in an honorary fashion.  But perhaps Hank is right - there is an equal chance, perhaps even a better chance, that it will be my genes that carry through to this child.  In any case, it will be a Xavier, and will have my love and protection.

I only hope that those are gifts that Marie can accept one day. 

"Hey."  Jane.  I like her.  And I think she's got a little thing for Hank.  I mean, she's only known him a few weeks, and she was all over going away with him on a vacation. 

"Hey, Jane.  Come on in.  Logan and I were just going to make some breakfast."  I think when we move out of here, we'll take the food.  If we're going to live in a house, or apartment, or whatever, then it'll have a refrigerator.  We can keep the perishable stuff.

"I was actually hoping you had some extra coffee.  We're out, and so are Hank and the Professor, and I don't think I'm going to make it without caffeine." 

"Sure.  Let me get you some.  Or - or would you like a cup of ours?  We've got some already brewed."

"Oh, bless you."  Heh.  I bet she'd be a good match for Hank.  She'd lighten him up.

"No problem.  Cream or sugar?"

"Just a little cream if you have it."  Looks like she's going to sit down and stay a little while.  Her daughter must be with Hank. 

"Sure."  I'm kind of glad she stopped over. She hasn't minded too much that I've been picking her brain about mom stuff.  Logan's in the shower and it'll give us a little time to talk more. "Can I ask you something?"

"As long as it's not a question involving two trains leaving different cities and traveling at different rates of speed, yes."

"You hated math too?"  I can tell the answer to that by her laugh.  "Well, I promise no word problems.  I was wondering if you were ever, you know, scared, when you were pregnant with Sari, if being a mom ever felt overwhelming."

"Oh, sure.  Lots of times.  There are still times when I look at her and think - oh my God, I'm responsible for this little person!  I'd better not screw up!  But I think everyone has that.  It's a good sign, really, a sign that you recognize how big of a responsibility being a parent really is."  Hmm.  Good point.  And it's nice to know it's not just me.  "Marie, can I ask you a question?"


"Are you and Logan thinking about having kids?"

"That obvious, huh?"  So much for sneaky-Marie, getting the mom info on the sly.  "Actually, I just found out I'm pregnant.  It wasn't - it wasn't really planned, and I'm a little worried about my skin."  You know, I have to say that I'm surprised Jane was freaked out by my mutation.  She even seemed pretty calm while I was playing with Sari.  She warned Sari about my skin, and made sure the girl was as well-covered as I was, but really, her freakage was minimal. 

"Well, congratulations!  And don't worry about worrying.  I worried a lot with Sari - I think that that's natural too.  Did you tell Hank about it?  He's a pretty smart doctor, I bet he'd know what to expect with your skin."

"He thinks it'll be OK, at least while I'm carrying the child." 

"Well, he's a genius, so I'd feel good about that."  Aha - that's too good of an opening to ignore.

"My turn for a question.  Do you like Hank?"

"He's a great guy."  That's the classic I-think-he's-groovy-but-I'm-not-ready-to-admit-it-yet look, complete with the optional blush and eye aversion.  Heh. Hank's going to have a girlfriend........

"Oh no, you know what I mean.  Do you *like* him, like him?  He's a great catch - smart, sophisticated, sensitive - Hank's all of the good 's' words."  Jane has a cute laugh - I bet she would be a good match for Hank.  "And he's got a steady job, he's good looking.  Did I mention he was smart and a really sweet guy?"

"Yes, you did."  Oh-oh.  That's the big sigh of romantic complications.  I'd recognize that one anywhere.  But Hank said that Sari's dad was out of the picture......  "It's just that I'm a little gun shy.  I thought my ex was a great guy too, but he turned out to be pretty much a butthead.  I guess I just don't trust my guy-judgment again yet."

"Well, you can take my word for it, Hank has very low butthead potential.  In fact, almost zero.  And did I mention that he was gainfully employed, smart, strong, and sensitive?"

"Just once or twice.  But you know, I thought maybe for a change of pace I'd look for something a little different - you know - unemployed, maybe a few felony convictions, completely unattractive and dumb as a rock.  Thought I'd give that a try."  She does have a good laugh, and a good sense of humor.  I'm just itching to match make for these two. 

"Well, on the off chance that that doesn't work out, I think you might want to give Hank a try.  Did I mention he was cute too?"

"Not yet, but I'm with you there, sister."  Oh, definitely.  I've definitely got to work on getting these two together.


"She's in the shower."  Dickhead.  Comin' over here this afternoon just like nothin' happened. 

"Ah.  Well, perhaps - perhaps you and I could talk a bit, if you wouldn't mind me waiting here." Now, Marie said that I should try to be polite with him, not to start a fight, but to always look out for her.  I guess that means he can wait, but I really don't wanna talk to him.  "Just a brief word?"

"Look, I'm not like Marie - forgiveness, niceness - that ain't in me for anybody except her.  Definitely not you."  There.  That was polite. I didn't even swear.

"I have suggested to Hank that he might want to transfer any medical equipment he might need to care for Marie to this cabin.  I have suggested that he use this place as a medical office, as it were.  That would give Hank a place to stay when he is needed here and would minimize the need to shuttle equipment back and forth.  There is ample room.  Do you think that would be agreeable to you and Marie?  Are you - are you considering staying in and around this area or - or would you consider coming back here regularly?"  Hmph.  Askin' me 'bout that is probably him tryin' to get information and that pisses me off.

"I dunno what we're doin' yet.  I don't think we'd mind comin' back here to meet Hank, though.  If that's good with him, it's good with us.  But don't think that I'm gonna be off my guard when we're here.  I know you probably wanna know where she is and that you might try to do somethin' to her or the baby.  Well, I'll tell ya right now, it ain't gonna work.  You'd hafta go through me, and I know all 'bout your fancy telepathy, but I'd be willin' to bet that I could get a claw or two inta ya before you fried my brain.  You ain't so different from those fuckin' doctors that had a holda me, and I took a coupla them out."

"I have no plans whatsoever to do anything to harm Marie, you have my word."

"Your word don't mean shit to me, and you're doin' a pretty good job of hurtin' her without a plan, ain't ya?"  Oh, don't tell me that this asshole's gonna start cryin' or somethin'.  I can smell that he's sad and he's got his hands rubbin' at his forehead like that - he does look like he could cry.

"That is not my intention."

"Well, I'll tell ya somethin'.  Intentions - that's how we judge ourselves.  We say - yeah, I didn't mean to do that, or I meant for it to turn out different.  But the fact is that everybody else judges ya by the results.  Don't matter to them what you meant, only matters how it turns out.  Shit, how the hell do I know what you mean to happen and what you don't?  I don't have that thing, that ability to go inta other people's heads like you do.  All that matters to me is what ya do, and all you've done is hurt the person that I care about the most and make it pretty damn clear that you ain't too fond of our kid, a kid that ain't even born yet.  Well, fuck you.  I don't give a shit what you meant to happen or what you didn't.  I know what did happen, and it ain't makin' me too damn happy."

"Uh, hi."  Shit, Marie.  I was swearin' and mad and everythin'.  Not too polite.

"Hello.  How are you, Marie?"  Tryin' to smile.  Hmph.  I woulda bet that he'd be complainin' that I was yellin' at him. 

"I'm OK.  Is, uh, everythin' in here OK?"  Lookin' at me, so I'll smile.  I'm sure she probably kinda knows what was goin' on. 

"Just fine.  I was just suggesting that perhaps Hank could use this cabin as a medical office while he is assisting you in the pregnancy.  That way, he could move all the equipment he needs here.   That is - that is, of course, only if you still do not wish to stay at the cabin past the New Year.  You are more than welcome to stay as long as you like."

"No, no, I think we'll - we'll probably look for a place around here or - or maybe just hang out in the Jeep a while.  I'm not that pregnant yet, you know."  Tryin' to smile, that's my Marie.  Always tries to be nice.  I meant what I said, though - she's like that, but I ain't. 

"Yes.  I will let Hank know, then.  Please - please do keep in touch, whatever you decide to do.  I will be eager to hear how you are doing."


"You are an exceptional woman, Marie.  I am very proud to have you as my daughter, and I - I am pleased that you will soon make me a grandfather."  At least all this crap is makin' Marie feel a little better.  She smiled at that too.  "I am looking forward to that."

"OK."  She don't quite know how to handle it. 

"I shall - I shall see you tomorrow, then.  Good day." 

"Bye."  Just gonna give him one more stink-eye to make sure he gets the message loud and clear - don't fuck with my family.  Ever.

"So you're thinking - apartment." 

"Yeah.  I mean, sure, a house like this would be nice and all, but I don't think we could afford it yet.  We'll get that one day, I promise."

"OK."  He's been so good to me - really good, unbelievably good, amazingly good.  

"I'm thinkin' that we can start out with one of these one-bedroom places here.  I mean, uh, the kid should have his own room and all, but, we can all share until he comes out and for a little while after.  There's a lotta those in the paper here.  How much - how much do you think we can afford, if we sell the Jeep?"  He's really taking the reins of this whole thing.  It's a big change for us both, living in one place.  But I admit - I do have a strong urge to nest.  It's comforting to know that I at least have some kind of mom-instincts. 

"I guess we'll just try to get the best place for the least money and see what we have to do from there.  I mean, it's kind of hard to know without knowing what our income will be."  I'm still going to paint, definitely.  I can handle that all the way through pregnancy and with any luck, the note cards will sell. 

"Yeah.  There was a listin' in the paper for a job workin' on a construction crew.  It's full time, and it says $20 an hour, but I dunno - I dunno what they want for that."  I know he's nervous about being able to support us.  The Professor - he *really* didn't make Logan feel any better about that. 

"You've always been able to get a job.  I'm sure you will again.  And besides, who wouldn't want you for their construction crew?  You're big and strong and handsome......."

"I don't think that last one there is really a qualification, darlin'.  They ain't gonna pay me $20 an hour for lookin' good." 

"Oh, but I would......."  I don't know if it's the hormones or what, but I'm definitely in the mood almost all the time.  Thank God my man has a healing factor. 

"You got me for free, darlin'."  I know he's got to smell me and I bet he wants it too.  We didn't do it last night.  OK, we did it this morning, but still, we missed one. 

"I'm pretty lucky, then."   Just going to start hugging him, start touching him.  Just so there's no mistaking what I want. 


"Whoa - that felt like - that felt like - "

"Like I was in your head.  I'm so sorry.  I - I don't know how that happened."  Oh, God, I think Hank could be right.  I could be - I could be getting my father's powers.  I don't want that - one freaky mutant power per customer, please.

"It felt real good, darlin'."  On the other hand, Logan doesn't seem to mind.  In fact, if the way he's touching me now is any indication......... "Felt like you were lovin' me from the inside.  Felt good.  Can you - do ya think you can do it again?"

"I'll try." 



"Sorry!  Sorry!  I used too much brain!  Sorry!"

"It's all right, it's OK.  Just caught me off guard a little is all." 

"Sorry.  I didn't hurt you, did I?"  He looks OK.  I mean, his head didn't explode or anything. 

"Nah.  Just - powerful.  It was powerful."    Whew.  Whew.  You know what I said before about him being unbelievably good to me?  Double that.

"I love you."

"I like hearin' it that way too."  Oh yeah - I almost forgot.  The sex.  We were going to have sex now. "C'mon, darlin'."  Logan didn't forget.  Heh.  God, I do love this guy.  "Let's go to bed for a little while." 


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