Don't Talk to Strangers
Title:  Rule Number Five:  Don't Talk to Strangers
Author:  Terri
Rating:  PG-13
Archive:  Ask, and I will happily say yes
Feedback:  Please!  Please, please, please?  Good, bad, and ugly welcome
Summary:  Sequel to Never Assume.  A couple of strange x-men catch up to Wolverine and Rogue for a little chit-chat. 
Comments: It's about time that the x-men make an appearance in this little series.  And, fortunately for me, I was dealt two superb plot bunnies to help me out.  JustAnotherAngelLover said wanted a fic where Rogue was the one misunderstood by (and kind of looked down upon by) the x-men instead of Logan.  For the longest time, I couldn't think of a logical way to make that happen-I mean, Logan-well, you can see why he gets that reaction sometimes but Rogue is a sweetie.  When I started writing this series, though, a way to do it occurred to me, so that bunny shows up here, and will recur throughout the series.  The other bunny was tossed (tm Karen) by Nat who asked for the normal Logan/Jean dynamic to be turned around into a Scott/Rogue one.  In Nat's words, 'Scott can be the one feeling drawn to the mysterious stranger so unlike Jean. Around the same age, both unable to control their mutuations. Of course Rogue will stay with Logan but it doesn't mean you can't give Jean some insecurites. I personally like the gal but *she's* always getting the attention!'  I read that and said-Amen, sister!  Thanks so much to both of you guys :)  Lastly, if you've never been to the Mall of America, go, but hang out in Camp Snoopy-definitely more fun than shopping ;)


I've figured it out.  This man makes me do crazy things.  It's just something about him.  I don't know what, but it's definitely something.  Because so far he has managed to: 1) Get me to stop and pick him up; 2) volunteer to keep him with me; 3) get me to talk about my family and my past, which I *never* do, and 4) make me-little, sweet, virginal, untouchable me - want to have sex with him so bad I ache all over.  It's no wonder he could smell it on me.  And now, more crazy stuff, trying a big city. 

I'm not sure it's safe to head into the cities just yet, but Logan's so hyper about wanting to work, and everything police- and evil-muatant-wise has been quiet so far.  I'll call to check in with Remy before we settle in, just to be sure that everything is still good.  If it is, I wouldn't mind hanging out for a while.  I've never been to Minneapolis.  Maybe we'll get a motel room for a few days there, maybe even a semi-nice one.  We've been pretty good about not spending too much money so far, and if Logan does get a job for a few days while we're in town, that'll be even better.

"Hey, do you wanna get off at the next exit?  We need gas."  He's been doing a lot of the driving, and I have to say, he's really getting the hang of it.  I love not driving.  It's a nice change of pace.  And I think he loves saying 'No, you just sit back, I'll drive.' all manly and everything.   Guys and cars-there's some primal connection there, for sure.

"Sure."  Maybe we can go see the Mall of America.  Logan doesn't exactly strike me as a mall kind of guy, but it might be fun.  Hey-if women have a primal connection to something, it's shopping.  We can't help it.  "Do you want to get something to eat?  Maybe there'll be a McDonalds or something?"

"Sounds good.  I'm hungry."  I like it when he smiles.  He looks completely different, almost like a little kid.  "I was thinkin'-when we get there and I find work-do you remember how much I owe ya?"

"I've been thinking about that too."  A lot, actually.  And the conclusion that I have arrived at is that separate money just doesn't seem right.  Especially since we're having sex now, especially since we're planning on staying together.  I mean, I'm no relationship expert, not by a long shot, but it seems kind of like we should just pool our resources. 

"Figurin' out how much?" 

"No.  I haven't really been keeping track.  But you know how we've been planning on staying together a while?"

"Yeah."  He always gets nervous when I mention the that.  He doesn't like changes or surprises, even little ones, and I kind of think the "plan" we have is the most stable thing he has to hang on to right now.  Frankly, it's the most stable thing that I've had for a while too.  I'd better reassure him a little here before he starts getting worried.

"Well, I was thinking that since that's the plan, and since we're definitely sticking to that plan, we could, uh, share money.   You know, just make one big pot of money for everything to come out of.  Whatever you make working, whatever I make painting, we'll just put it together and pay for everything we need out of that.  What do you think?"

"You're gonna have more to put in than me."

"Maybe at first.  But that's OK.  I think we should do it kind of like a partnership, or a team.  Different people contribute different things in different amounts, but it all works together, it all works out."  That sounded so corny, Marie.  Ugh.  This lesson in teamwork brought to you by the letter C and the number four.

"I dunno.  I think-I think I should probably try to make up for what you already spent on me and then maybe we can do that."  He has such a strong sense of-I don't know exactly what to call it, but he always tries to be really fair with me, and he's pretty protective of me.  I know I should be all 'Independent Woman', but I'm really appreciating having someone to watch my back, someone that's looking out for me.

"I spent money on us, both of us.  Look, we've got about twenty-one hundred dollars left, total.  I put a thousand in the bank, for emergencies, a long time ago, and we've got about eleven hundred with us.  Let's just start from there, and whatever we both can earn in the next few days in Minneapolis, we'll add that in.  I don't want you-it's your money too now.  And not just that-the Jeep, whatever stuff we have in it-that's ours now, not just mine.  I think that's right.  I think that's what we should do."

"Marie, it ain't that I have a problem with sharin'.  I just wanna be sure I'm puttin' my fair share into the pot.  I ain't been doin' that so far, so I got a little to make up for.  I got a little catchin' up to do."

"But the putting everything together thing-that sounds good to you?"  Because I really, really think that's how it should be.  We're like, one unit now.  Logan and Marie.

"Yeah.  Like you said, whatever stuff I got - you know, mostly it's just clothes-but whatever's in there is yours now too."  I think I could really be falling in love with him.  Seriously, totally, completely in love.

"So that means I can borrow your sweatshirt?" 

"If you want."  Another smile.  I like making him do that a lot.

"Hey-how was your day?"  It's the first day we've really spent apart since we've known each other.  It's surprising how much I missed him.  Well, at least I got some painting done.  And from the happy look on his face, he had a good first day at work. 

"I made seventy bucks." 

"Oooh!"  I told him to take the Jeep and leave me at the Days Inn to paint.  We drove to the day labor placement agency last night, so he'd know the route back and forth from the hotel.  And we picked a spot just across from the Mall of America, so I could walk over to go take a look around if I got bored.  Logan was perfectly happy to skip it and let me go on my own.  "What's this?"  I'm guessing it's dinner.  We said we'd get something out to celebrate, but I should've thought that he wouldn't be able to wait to start paying for stuff.

"Pizza and some beer.  I stopped along the way on my way back." 

"You didn't have to do that."  But I'm glad he did.  Mmmmm.  Pizza.

"I know you said we'd eat out, but I figured this'd be cheaper.  I got everything on it but anchovies and those weird peppers you don't like."  He looks so proud of himself for all this-working, buying us dinner, picking something he knows I like.  I like that look on him.

"Thanks."  I'll just set the pizza down on the bed and get the roll of paper towels for napkins.  We can have a little picnic.  It'll be fun.

"I got fifty-one bucks left over.  Here.  Put it in with the rest of the money." 

"What did you do today?"  I'll just keep it in my wallet for now.  He's just so happy to have finally contributed some money.  Look at that big smile on his face.

"They put me to liftin' and haulin' roofin' materials at some construction site.  It wasn't exactly doin' the buildin', just movin' stuff around.  They asked if I wanna go back again tomorrow 'cause I did a good job."

"I knew you would."  I must be grinning like a maniac now.  I'm pretty proud of him too.  He's gone from moody, hitchhiking loner to gainfully employed star worker in just a few weeks.  That's impressive.

"I'd like to try some buildin' sometime.  It looked interestin'.  That might be what I wanna do, you know, for a job."

"Mmm."  Pizza's good.  "Maybe you can try a little of that out next time, or at least talk to some of the people doing the building, see if they like it or have any advice for you."

"I dunno.  I'm not-talkin' to people isn't what I usually do." 

"Well, that's fine if you don't want to.  A little small talk about the job might not be bad, but, you know, whatever you think."  I'm not going to push him.  He'll get more social when he's ready.  I know he told me all this stuff about deciding that I was the one person in the world that he was going to trust, and that's really flattering, but it's not the way to live your life.  He just needs a few more positive experiences under his belt and he'll feel more comfortable with people. 

"The job goes through Tuesday.  I could probably work everyday if I wanna.  That'd be five days total.  That's"  He'll get it.  He is pretty good with numbers.  But I bet he's adding, not multiplying.  I don't think he remembers multiplication.  But that's OK, in most cases, adding will do you.  "..three hundred fifty bucks total.  That's pretty good, huh?"

"That's really good!"  It is.  That'll cover our daily expenses with about a twenty dollar a day profit, if we're really careful.  That's a hundred dollars positive cash flow, and that's not bad at all.  Plus, it means four more days of painting for me, which should also result in some income.  We're doing pretty well.  Actually, we're doing really well.

"Good."  He's really smiling now.  He's so happy that I'm happy with it.  God, that's so touching.  It's just-


"Uh, Logan-you're not expecting anyone are you?"  It can't be her.  Remy said she was arrested.  Of course, she could've gotten out.  It wouldn't be the first time she'd escaped.  On the other hand, why the hell would she knock?

"No."  He's on red alert too.  "I smell two of 'em."

"Anyone you've smelled before?"  That sounds like such a stupid question, but-

"No."  He's flexing his hands like he wants to put the claws out.  I don't think-I mean, I know we're looking to hide from the police and certain relatives of mine, but let's not overreact.  It could just be housekeeping or something.

"Who is it?"  There we go.  That's a nice, rational, appropriate response to a knock at the hotel room door.

"My name is Scott Summers.  I'm looking for Wolverine."  What the-oh yeah, that was the name they gave him.  I'm used to thinking of him as Logan.  "I just want to talk with him.  Is he in?"

Logan's looking at me to figure out what to do.  "Is it someone from your job?  Did you give them that name?"  I'm guessing no, since the papers Remy sent for him say Logan Johnson.  Nothing about a wolverine in there.  And he's shaking his head, so that's a 'no.'  "Uh, hang on a second."

"Marie, it could be-"

"Dangerous, I know.  You said there were two of them?"

"One woman too." 

"OK.  They've found us, they know where we are.  Whoever they are, they're probably not police-they'd say they were law enforcement and if they had a warrant for you, they'd probably say that too.  And evil people out to ambush you don't usually knock.  Let's-let's open the door and find out who they are and what they want."

"Grrr.."  Logan doesn't like that plan, and I'm not surprised. 

"Be ready in case they do try anything."  I'm going to just put on one glove.  If something bad goes down, I'll be ready too. 

"Lemme open it."  Whoa-he practically shoved me behind him. "I'm who you're lookin' for.  Whaddya want?"

"We'd like to speak with you.  I'm Scott, and this is Jean.  May we come in?"  Handsome guy, really handsome.  Weird glasses-sunglasses, and it's dark out.  Something's not quite right with that. 

"No.  I don't wanna talk."  Maybe I could just peer out a little more to get a better look.

"Listen, we're from the x-men.  Have you heard of us?"  Logan shaking his head no.  Why would the x-men be looking for him and why-oh!  They're the ones that raided Logan's lab-they probably found records of him or documents or something. "We wanted to talk to you about-"  Oh-oh.  They spotted me, and they definitely look surprised.  Well, I shouted out to them through the door.  They had to know there was someone else in here, I mean, if they're not deeply, deeply stupid or something.  Did they think that girly voice came out of Logan?  "You.  What do you think you're doing here?" 

"Me?"  What's with the sudden hostility, dude?  And stop fiddling with your glasses, it's making me nervous.  "It's my room." 

"Don't play innocent.  We know who you are."  And the woman's just as pissed.  What the hell is going on here?  "Trying to beat us to the punch?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about."  And I'm just going to put a hand on Logan's waist because I can feel him tensing up and getting mad. 

"Do you honestly expect us to believe you're not here to recruit him to the Brotherhood, *Rogue*?"  I hate how he said my name and why the hell would he think I'm some sort of agent for the Brotherhood?

"Well, uh, yes, I do expect you to believe that.  Since, you know, I'm actually not." 

"We know who you are, Rogue.  Don't play games.  Look-whatever-whatever she's told you is a lie."  Hey!  Where do you get off saying crap like that, woman?  "You can trust us, Wolverine.  We're-we're not like the Brotherhood."

"Look, I don't know what your problem is.  But I don't appreciate being called a liar, or a member of the Brotherhood."  I know Logan can probably smell me getting more upset.  I have to try to keep a lid on that-he's flexing his hands again.

"Grrr."  That's not a good sign either. 

"I think you'd better leave.  He doesn't want to talk to you, OK?"  And I don't want him to hack you to pieces.  Come on, things were just starting to go really well for us.  Don't make us have to go on the run all over again.

"That's for him to decide, not you."  I *really* don't like her attitude. 

"Get the hell out."  I'd say he's made his decision, red.

"Look, we, uh, we got off on the wrong foot here.  Let's-we know you may have had a falling out with your mother.  We heard reports about the gas station.   If that's the case, maybe we should all have a talk."  My mother.  Fuck.  That's where all this is coming from.  She probably has just a lovely reputation among the do-gooder set.  Christ.  And they think I'm in with her or something?

"No.  Get out."  There's not much time left on the do-something-before-Logan-loses-it clock. 

"Lo-uh, Wolverine-"  No reason to give them any more information than they already have.  "-maybe we should talk to them.  They'll-they'll just come back later if we don't, and maybe with more people.  Let's just talk a little, let them have their say and then they'll go.  What do you think?"  It has to be his decision.  He's thinking it over.

"You try anything, and I'll fuckin' kill ya."  In other words-it would be lovely to chat, please do come in.

"Thank you."  The guy-both of them, in fact-still look pretty wary of me.  They're keeping their distance from both of us, which is just fine as far as I'm concerned.  Maybe if I gesture at the seats across from the bed, they'll take a hint.  That way, we can sit on the bed and keep both them and the door in sight.  "We, ah, came to let you know that we were interested in having you join the x-men team.  We were the ones that freed you from the compound in Toronto, but you, uh, ran away before we had a chance to talk.  I'm sorry it's taken so long to catch up with you, but we, ah, had some other pressing matters to attend to."

Logan's not responding, and he's got me practically attached to him with that super-grip on my waist. 

"You see, Wolverine."  The woman-Jean, did they say?-is *really* scared of me, and I don't need Logan's sense of smell to know it.  "We're mutants, just like yourself and-and Rogue here."  Oh, that I don't like one bit.  She's trying to use his trust in me to get a foot in the door herself.  Oh no you don't, woman.

"What exactly do you know about me?"  It sure as hell can't be much. 

"Well, we know you're affiliated with the Brotherhood."  Wrong, Scott.  "We know your mother, Mystique, has trained you to follow in her footsteps.  Mercenary work, smuggling, kidnapping, assassinations."  Jesus Christ!  They think that?  That's-that's my reputation?  Calm, just keep calm, let him finish.  Find out what else they think.  "We know you're a mutant, maybe a shapeshifter like her, but we don't know what the true extent of your powers are."  Heh.  Jean's giving him a dirty look. She thinks he shouldn't have admitted that.  "We know you've discovered a way to shield yourself from telepathic probing."  Huh?  "We know that you've been underground since you and Magneto failed in an attempt to mutate world leaders a few years back."  He must mean the machine.  And they think I was all in favor of that plan, that I was a willing participant in it.  Great.  "We know you're extremely dangerous and extremely adept at avoiding attention.  What we don't know is what you're doing here."  Well, that was subtle, Scott.  And if you think I'm going to come right out and share, you're-well, you're nuttier than ten pounds of fruitcake, as my grandma used to say. 

"Almost all of that is wrong.  I'm not in with the Brotherhood.  My mother and I aren't exactly on good terms."  They don't need to know what powers I do or don't have.  They haven't told me theirs, after all.

"So you're saying you're not here to recruit Wolverine?"  You know, whatever her mutant power is, I think we can rule out super-fast-catching-on. 


"What are you here for?  Why did you track him down then?"  Scott seems more curious than scared of me.  And it's almost like there's something else in there too.  Some kind of weird fascination.

"I didn't.  I'm here-well, I'm here to paint and see the Mall of America, not necessarily in that order."  Scott almost cracked a grin at that, I can tell.  Maybe he's starting to believe me a little.  Jean sure as hell isn't.  She's even got her arms crossed over her chest.  "You said you came here to recruit Wolverine for the x-men team.  What do you mean by that?"

"Well, we know what was done to you in the lab."  Oh, she'd better tread lightly here.  Logan hates talking about the lab, and that arm around my waist just got a lot tighter.  "We know that you heal, that you can fight very well.  We could use someone like you to help us fight the forces of evil."  I'm sorry, I couldn't totally stifle that snicker, no way.  What is this, some kind of cartoon? 'The forces of evil'-could you be any more pretentious?  "We could use your help in fighting the Brotherhood especially."  Again with the subtle.  That look couldn't have been any more obviously directed at me.  "In return, we'll give you a place to stay, room and board, and we'll help you find your past.  We can help you get back the memories the doctors wiped from your mind.  Wolverine-I'm-I'm a telepath.  I can look deep into your mind. I might be able to retrieve some of your memories." 

"Nobody's goin' into my head!"  Especially someone you just met.  Get a clue.  "I don't wanna join your thing.  Leave."

"What did Rogue promise you?  What has she told you?"  Oh, this is just getting annoying now. 

"I haven't-"

"I'd like to hear Wolverine's answer, not yours."  Oooh.  Bitch. 

"Jean!"  Na-na-na-na-na.  X-man Scott likes me.  He's taking my side.  Na-na-na-na-na, Jean.

"Let him answer, Scott."  Fine, then.  You're not going to like it any better than my answer, and if it involves steel claws ripping through things, well, don't say I didn't try to avoid that.

"She hasn't promised me nothin'.  We're stickin' together.  Me and her, that's it.  Nobody else."  Now, that was a pointed look at Scott.  I wonder what prompted that.  Weird.  "Now get out."  There his hands go again.  I can tell he's just dying to put the claws out. 

"I know you may think you can trust her."  The urge to smack this woman is just getting stronger and stronger.  "But you can't.  She's the last person you should trust, Wolverine.  Her mother has attacked us without provocation more than once.  And the Brotherhood-"

That's it.  He's standing up.  The do-something-before-Logan-loses-it clock just went 'ding.'  Here come the claws.  "You get the fuck out!  You get the fuck out now!"  Oh, don't look at me, Jean, I'm not going to try to stop him. 

"Look, Wolverine, we apologize, we're-"

"You don't know nothin'.  Stop sayin' that stuff.  She ain't like that!"  Aw.  Sticking up for me-that's nice.  But let's not claw Scott over it. 

"It's OK.  It's OK.  I-I understand why they think that, I do.  You're-you know-completely and totally wrong.  But if you've only ever dealt with my mom and you don't know the first thing about me, well, I can see why you'd think that."  I think that's pretty darn generous of me.  Especially given that they've come to my home (OK, my hotel room) and called me a liar and murderer-in-training.  Yes, that fulfills my niceness requirement amply.  "But I think you should leave.  You have your answer, now leave us alone."

"Rogue, we-"  I am so deeply tired of hearing this woman talk.

"Or are you planning on forcing Wolverine to join you?  Is that it?  You didn't come to ask, you came to get him, whether he wanted to join the x-men or not, didn't you?"

"No.  No, we would never do something like that."  Scott  - don't.  Uh, reaching out a hand toward me is a very bad idea.  You have an excellent chance of getting it hacked off right now.  Good, good, my little 'stop' hand gesture got through to him.  Hand back in.

"Well, then, I think it's time for you to go."

"Wolverine?"  Jean just doesn't know when to quit, does she?

"Get the fuck out!  Now!"  And there's your answer.  Buh-bye.

"We'll leave-just let me leave my card.  In case you change your mind or you ever need some help.  You can reach us at this phone and e-mail.  Just in case.  Nice-nice to have met you both."  A little nod toward me-Scott's caught on to the idea that you can catch more flies with honey.  "Good night."    Finally, they're going.  Whew.  I'm glad that's over with.  But Logan's still upset.  He hasn't put the claws back in yet.

"Hey, are you OK?  I know they said some bad things about me, but don't believe that.  I mean, my mom is-ooof!"  That's one heck of a tight hug.  And he still hasn't put the claws back in, so it's also a very careful hug.  "Logan?"

"I'm not lettin' 'em get a holda you.  I'm not." 

"Uh, OK.  OK.  But I think they wanted to sign you up for their x-men thing, not me."  I'll hug back a little tighter maybe that will make him feel better. 

"That guy wanted you.  I could smell it all over him.  He's not gonna get you.  It's what you said, you and me, not you and him."  Whoa.  I can't be getting that right. 

"He wanted me-for what?  Do you mean, uh, sexually or something?"

"Yeah.  It was all over him.  I can still fuckin' smell it in here.  He's not gonna get you.  Ever.  Uh, right?" 

"Right.  Right.  It's you and me."  That's really weird.  People don't usually just, you know, bam, lust after me.  That's really weird.  Especially since he thinks I'm one of the bad guys.  On the other hand, maybe that's what's making him interested-he thinks there's a danger factor.  Little does he know I'm about as un-dangerous as it gets.  "Uh, Logan?  Besides that-you-you didn't believe all that stuff they said about me, right? I mean, you saw me with my mom, and you know how it really is.  You know you can trust me, I-"

"I know."  He's looking at me with this really amazing expression-he must've really meant what he said about trusting me and no one else.  Because if two people that, you know, did good works for a living, professionally, told me that he was a bad person-well, no.  No.  I guess I'd trust Logan over them anyway.  I know him.  "It's not right, what they did-gettin' ideas in their head and sayin' things just 'cause of what your mom did.  That's her, not you.  You don't even smell the same as her."  I'm beginning to get that the smell thing is a huge deal for him.  He uses that for a lot of things.  

"Thanks.  I'm really glad that you think that.  I don't want to ever be like her, not at all."

"You're not.  I don't wanna go do stuff with them anyhow.  I like it just you and me.  And I got a job now, some work-I don't wanna mess that up.  I wanna put some money into the pot and work and take care of you a little."  He's calming a little-his heart is slowing down-but those claws are still out.  He's still in danger mode.  Those two really shook him up, more than I even realized.  "I don't wanna have somebody lookin' in my head.  You won't-"

"I won't what?"  That's a *very* tight squeeze now.  Starting to limit breathing. 

"I just don't wanna know what is in there, even if somebody can find it."

"But it's your past, your history, and-"

"No!  It's no good, I can just feel it.  I don't wanna know I was some kinda bad person before.  I don't wanna know any more than I remember already 'cause there's nothin' good in there, nothin' at all.  I just wanna do somethin' else now, I wanna be different.  You and me-we can stick together and I'll be good outta that, I know it.  I feel that."

"Logan."  Maybe if I pull away a little so he can see my face, he'll realize I honestly mean this.  ".there's nothing bad about you.  Not a thing.  You're not a bad person at all.  Not even a little bit."    He's looking down at the claws and I can guess what he's thinking.  "Hey, I know what I'm talking about, OK?  Let's just accept that.  You're not bad, I'm not bad.  We're just two good people who were lucky enough to get together with one another."  If I touch the claws, that'll reinforce what I'm saying.  He always tenses when I touch them, but the look on his face says he likes it.  It reaches him, very deeply, I think.  "It's you and me, however we are.  Even if-even if there's something bad in your past, really, really bad, it's OK.  It won't change what we have now.  I promise.  I don't want you to not find out or not know because you're worried about what my reaction will be."

"I don't wanna know." 

"OK."  No use pushing here either.  If he wants to look up the red-headed bitca when he's ready, I'll support that.  "What do you say we finish the pizza?  It's probably getting pretty cold."

"Marie-I'm not gonna let him getcha.  It's you and me, nobody else.  Right?"

"Right.  Absolutely."  Whew.  Claws finally back in.  I think it's going to be OK.

"What the *hell* were you doing back there?" 

"Jean, we have no direct evidence linking her to the Brotherhood.  She might be worthwhile recruiting herself.  There's - "

"That's not what I'm talking about and you know it, Scott."


"Don't insult me even more with that!  You know what I mean.  You were projecting all over the place!  How can you think about someone else like that?  We're supposed to be engaged!"

"Jean, calm down.  I just had a physical reaction to her, that's all.  I'm not going to do anything about it.  I'm in love with you."

"But you want to sleep with her.  How can you, Scott?  You've never, ever, in all the time I've known you had that kind of reaction to someone, and it's not all physical."

"Jean, I-I just-I'm in love with you, not her.  I'm not ever going to do anything about it."

"Gee, thanks."


"How can you want her, knowing what she is?  Knowing who she's been involved with?"

"We don't have-"

"We do have evidence, Scott, hard evidence.  She was on those videotapes of Magneto's.  She was waiting to go into that awful machine.  Her mother is Mystique for christsakes!  What more do you need?"

"Maybe-maybe we've gotten some of it wrong, Jean.  She just doesn't seem to be that kind of person to me.  Could you read anything from her?  Anything at all?"

"No.  Her mind is impenetrable, completely and totally.  Don't you think if I'd read her in there I would've warned you?"

"Of course. I'm sorry.  I didn't think of that."

"Do you want her, Scott?  Be honest."

"I don't want to lose you.  Jean, you're my fiancee.  You're the most important thing in my life.  I don't ever want to lose you.  It was just-it was just a momentary thing, some sort of knee-jerk reaction, that's all.  Can't you sense that from me?"

"I guess.."

"I love you, Jean.  *You.*"

"You've always had a thing for cute little brunettes."

"That was before I saw how beautiful redheads can be.  Come on, let's just forget about it for now.  Didn't you want to see the mall while we were here?"

"OK.  OK, I guess."

"I really do love you."

"I love you too.  I just don't want to lose you, Scott.  You're-you're the most important person in my life too."

"Good.  Now let's go do some shopping."

Good Lord, I'm going to sleep like a baby tonight.  He's never been that, ah, energetic in bed before.  Four times-four nice, long, really good times-is a lot.  I'm exhausted.  But you know, Logan-I think he'd actually go again if I hadn't said I was getting tired and a little sore.  It's almost like he just couldn't get enough of me.  Not that I am complaining, mind you, but I don't want him to still be so worried and tense.  He's holding on to me awfully tight and keeping his eyes locked on the TV. 

"Hey, look-good weather tomorrow.  I bet that'll be good for your job."  I made sure this hotel had the Weather Channel before checking in.  I know how much he likes it.

"Yeah."  Hmm.  Not talking too much. 

"You know something?"  Maybe I should just tell him what I was thinking in the car.  Maybe that will make him feel better, or at least less scared of somehow losing me.  "I really like you.  A lot.  In fact, I think I'm kind of falling in love with you."  Replace 'kind of' with 'absolutely' and that's more like an accurate picture.  "So don't-you don't have to worry about anything.  It's you and me.  We're not changing the plan."

"MarieI been thinkin'.  I don't know if what we got is normal or weird or what, but I think it's good.  And I wanna make sure that it goes right, that everything between us works out right.  I don't want other guys to get you or anything.  I wanna have you, just me.  And I wanna support us and I wanna keep you safe from your mom or whoever.  That's-those're the things I wanna have between us.  Whaddya think?"

"That sounds about right."  I really can't help running my hands through his hair.  He looks so earnest and so serious.  I just have to touch him somewhere.  I guess I can't get enough of him either.  "Except I'd add a few things."

"Like what?"

"Like no other girls for you, just me."

"Well, yeah."  That's so cute-he-he didn't even consider the possibility of another woman.  That's amazingly cute. 

"And that I want to support us too, I want to help out there."  Because I can.  If I can finish two paintings in these four days, that could be up to five thousand dollars or so. 

"Well, OK, I guess." 

"And I want something else too.  I want you to just stop worrying.  I noticed that sometimes you look like you're worrying about something you said or did, or worrying about me somehow.  I want you to stop.  There's nothing about you I don't like.  There's nothing I'm not really, really OK with."

"I know I'm not smart.  I don't remember a lot."

"Those are two different things.  You're very smart.  You've learned a lot in a really short time.  Just because you don't remember, just because that knowledge isn't in there-it doesn't make you any less smart.  You just don't know a few things yet, that's all, and that could be said about anybody."    Those hazel eyes are turning soft.  That's a good sign.  "After all, I don't know a lot of the sex stuff, but we're doing pretty well learning that together, right?  That doesn't make either one of us stupid."

"Yeah."  There we go-now I can feel his body relaxing.  "That stuff-it ain't too bad havin' to learn as we go."  Hey-that was a joke!  That's a very, very good sign.

"Come on, let's get some sleep.  You've got to get up for work in the morning."  That did it-now he's smiling.  "Hey-don't forget to wake me up when you go.  I like my good morning kisses, you know."

"Yeah, I know.  I don't mind 'em so much either."  Another joke-but I'm going to get him for that.  "Hey!"  Oh, he probably hardly felt that little poke to his ribs. 

"Get some sleep, big guy."  I'm glad we have a while here to make some money, but I think I'll be glad to see the road again.  More time with Logan.  And that's always a good thing.


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