One Night Only

Title: One Night Only
Author: Terri
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: I don't own any of them.  Darn.
Archive: WRFA, Mutual Admiration, Dolphin Haven, Peep Hut - all others, please ask :)
Feedback: Please? With a cherry on top?  Good, bad, and ugly welcome, but I'll warn you - flames may be publicly mocked ;)
Summary: Scott gets stranded at Logan's cabin for a night.  Marie ends up getting quite a bit of attention from them both.
Comments: I wholeheartedly and unequivocally blame Karen for this one ;) She planted the idea of a Scott/Rogue/Logan story in my brain and it mutated into a rabid plot bunny.  I literally could not write anything else until this one was done.  The problem was - I couldn't think of a situation where Logan would be, ahem, willing to share and where Scott would jump right in.  I'm still not entirely sure that this one worked, but at least that bunny is off my tail ;)


"Dammit, Scooter, I toldya it was gonna snow."  Logan paced the small cabin he had shared with Marie for almost a year now.  He'd reluctantly consented to Scott's January visit, knowing that his nearby mission would be a strenuous one, and that he needed a home base to operate from.  It was a chance to pay back the debt of honor that he felt he owed Xavier for taking Marie in and taking care of her.  Logan had also taken Scott's word that he wouldn't be staying with them overnight, just for a few hours until the blackbird could get out there to pick him up. 

"Look, that's not my fault.  Do you really think I want to spend any more time with you than absolutely necessary?  This was the Professor's idea, not mine."  Scott caught sight on Rogue lowering her eyes to the floor and frowning at his words.  He didn't approve of her decision to take Logan back after his fling with Jean, but he knew his presence was bringing up painful reminders of the affair.  Fighting with Logan wouldn't help.  "Sorry.  I'm just a little on edge."

Logan grunted at him.  "You're sleepin' on the floor."  Marie wordlessly went to the one-room cabin's closet to get the some blankets for Scott.  Logan finally caught sight of her sad demeanor.  He too guessed that Scott's arrival had stirred up bad memories for Marie, and he inwardly chastised himself for getting caught up in his own irritation.  "I'll get those, darlin'."

"No, no, it's OK.  I've got it."  She turned her head to give him a shaky smile while still rooting around in the closet with both hands.  Logan crossed the room to stand next to her anyway.  He still hadn't found a way to convince her that he was finished with Jean.  She still thought of herself as second choice, second best, undesirable. 

That Jean had gone around telling everyone she was the one to break it off with Logan hadn't helped.  In reality, Logan was the one who'd finally ended it, after months of growing unhappiness between them.  Jean was in love with Scott, even as she warmed Logan's bed, and Logan was beginning to admit to himself that he was in love with Marie.  When he found himself having to bite his tongue to keep from calling out Marie's name in bed, he knew it was over and told Jean so.  He'd anticipated keeping it private, but, at the mansion's Sunday dinner, Jean took it upon herself to make an announcement of sorts.  She set about pursuing Scott immediately, and that gave further credence to her claims.  Logan didn't much care what everyone thought - except for Marie.

In the year they'd been together, he tried to reassure her in every way he could think of.  Even moving to the cabin had been a way to try to make Marie feel more secure - Logan knew that living in the same house as Jean would make Marie constantly anxious.  He told her he loved her all the time.  He told her over and over that he didn't want Jean, that she was nothing next to Marie.  He told Marie that she was more beautiful, more special, sexier, smarter, younger, more interesting.  None of it seemed to make much difference; his actions had spoken much louder than his words probably ever could.  He could still feel the pain and insecurity in Marie. 

It was especially difficult now - Marie had just figured out that she was pregnant a few weeks ago.  It wasn't really a big surprise - they hadn't been trying to conceive, but they made love without taking contraceptive measures nearly every day.  Logan was overjoyed, but Marie seemed to react to the news with equanimity.  She told Logan that she wouldn't want to have anyone else's child, and that she was thrilled that she'd learned to control her mutation and could give him a baby, but there was also a sadness hanging over her too.  She asked him often how he felt about it, and, while he was careful to always enthusiastically reassure her, he still got the impression that Marie somehow thought he'd prefer having a child with Jean.  Marie had said once that maybe the child would have red hair - there was an aunt on her side that did.  The hopeful look on her face when she said it had just about broken Logan's heart. 

"I think these should be OK."  Marie offered a thick pile of blankets to Scott.  "You can take the chair next to the bed if you don't want to sleep on the floor.  We can keep the fire up so you won't be cold." 

"Thanks."  Scott took the proffered blankets with a wink.  That earned him a small smile, one which he returned with great warmth. 

Logan put a protective hand on the small of Marie's back.  He knew that she'd grown close to Scott during the affair.  When Scott took Jean back, Logan could tell that Marie felt rejected in favor of Jean yet again, even though he didn't think anything romantic had gone on between them.  That made his anger toward Scott flare, but he also realized that Marie's hurt had begun with his own actions.  Scott's acceptance of Jean only compounded a problem that was already there.  Logan took a deep breath and tried to steady his emotions.  Scott would be gone in the morning, and he could once again set about trying to work on his relationship with Marie.  "There's some coffee on the stove.  We're gonna go to bed.  Marie needs some rest."  Marie nodded her agreement, gave Scott one last smile, and allowed Logan to steer her toward the bed. 

Marie awoke with a start, abruptly coming out of one of Logan's harsher nightmares.  She sat up in bed for a moment, and, after her initial cry, tried to stop herself from making any further noise that would wake the two men.  She soon felt Logan's large hands on her shoulders, pulling her back down on the bed and into his embrace. 

"Shhh," he whispered.  "It's OK, darlin'.  You're safe, you're with me.  You're OK."  He embraced her tightly. 

"Sorry," she whispered back.  They both lay together silently for a while.  At length, she felt Logan nuzzling her neck and beginning to lay gentle kisses along it. She knew that was usually a prelude to lovemaking, but, with Scott in the same room, she was sure Logan wouldn't want to do that.  She lay back and tried to focus on enjoying his attentions, tried to push the nightmare out of her mind. 

Soon, however, Logan's hands moved to unbutton her nightgown and massage her breasts.  She looked at him questioningly in the light of the fire, but he only responded with an open-mouthed, deep kiss.  When he finally broke from her, Marie whispered, "Logan, we can't.  Scott's - Scott's right there." 

Logan didn't reply, but he did finish unbuttoning her gown and slowly traced a path with his tongue from her neck to one breast.  He began rhythmically sucking on one nipple, and he could smell Marie's arousal begin to build. 

"Logan," she protested, even as she writhed a little beneath his touch. 

"Shhh.  Let me."  He returned his mouth to her body, kissing and licking further south until he reached her soft, dark curls.  He liked to comfort her this way after a nightmare.  She seemed to let herself go a little these times, seemed to open herself up more than usual.   She was often shy in bed, unsure of herself, but desperately wanting to please him.  She rarely let herself orgasm before Logan was satisfied several times over.  After a nightmare, though, she would let him please her, and few signs of insecurity surfaced.  Logan wanted to give her pleasure at every opportunity, and was not about to let Scott's presence deter him.  Before opening her legs, he whispered, "Let me, Marie, please."  He felt her thigh muscles relax and he knew she was giving him permission. 

He was always gentle with her when he pleased her this way, and always thorough.  He took his time, caressing with both fingers and tongue, enjoying the sighs and soft moans he drew from her.  Soon, he could feel her getting close.  This was sometimes tricky, even during those times when Marie was relaxed.  Sometimes she still just couldn't let herself go, couldn't give herself over to him.  Logan redoubled his efforts, concentrating on what he knew were Marie's favorites, to be sure she found release with him now. 

His efforts were rewarded when he felt her arch and squirm against him.  He didn't move his mouth from her until he was sure he'd wrung every last bit of pleasure from her body, and until he had tasted her thoroughly.  He lifted his head to see her lying back on the bed, satiated and exhausted.  He smiled at that.  He always thought it was when she looked most beautiful. 

He slid back up along her body and cradled her close to him.  She melted into his embrace, still trying to catch her breath a little.  Logan glanced over at Scott.  He appeared to be asleep - Logan couldn't see his eyes through the glasses, but Scott was still and breathing evenly.  Something about his scent and his heartbeat, though, led Logan to believe he was awake.  Logan thought about that for a few minutes as he held Marie, and then made a decision. 

Gently rolling her onto her back, he ground his hips into hers so that she could feel his erection.  She looked up at him, with the familiar expression of wanting to please him, but then she glanced over at Scott, only a few feet away from her.  "Logan - "

"I need you, Marie."

"But - "

"It's OK, it's OK."  Logan divested himself of his boxers and maneuvered his hips to rest in the cradle of Marie's.  "I love you so much, Marie, so much.  You're everythin' to me.  You're so beautiful, so desirable."  She responded, predictably, with a shy blush and downcast eyes.  "Let me show you."  He eased himself inside her, and began to thrust.  He didn't try to mute his grunts of pleasure, and Marie was soon mewling in response to his rhythm. 

That encouraged him to go harder, faster.  He flung the blankets aside, repositioned Marie a little, and began uninhibitedly riding her.  "So good," she half-moaned, half-whispered.  As Logan got even wilder, her head lolled to the side, catching sight of Scott. 

The first thing Marie noticed was that he'd flung off his blankets as well.  The thought that they were making the room too hot with their activity flitted through her head before she noticed that his hand was moving in his lap.  It took another second or two for her mind to piece together that he was stroking himself, that he was watching them. 

Her body tensed immediately.  "Logan, no - stop - Scott - "

"I know," he grunted out, not breaking his pace.  "It's all right."

"Don't stop," Scott whispered, still moving only his hand.  Marie took a little closer look at him.  He'd drawn his very large and erect penis out in the gap in Logan's borrowed pajama bottoms.  His hand moved with practiced ease up and down the shaft, keeping time with Logan's thrusts into her. 

"Grrrr."  Logan was close now, Marie knew.  Even though somewhere in her mind, the part that still recalled her strict southern upbringing, she knew it was wrong, some part of her was deeply gratified by being the object of desire for both of these men.  Even if they weren't really thinking about her, she thought, even if it's only for a moment.  It felt good, satisfying, and Marie left her gaze with Scott as she dug her fingers into Logan's back.  "GRRR!"  She felt her own body come alive and began rocking her hips in time with Logan's.  She noted with something like womanly pride that Scott's hand immediately began moving faster. 

"Yes," she sighed, feeling an orgasm building.  "Logan."

"GRRRRRRR!"  He gave several uncontrolled, erratic thrusts as he came inside her, but they all managed to hit her just right.  Her back arched, her breasts thrust upward, and she closed her eyes for just a second.  When they opened again, her head was still turned toward Scott, whom she now saw shaking and hunched over.  She thought she met his eyes behind the glasses for a second as he spurted generous amounts of semen all over the borrowed pajamas and the chair.  She was so entranced by him that it took her a moment to register what Logan was whispering to her. 

"That's it, that's it, baby.  Do you see what you do to me?  To men?  God, darlin', you're incredible."  Logan underlined his comments with a soft lick of her sweaty neck.  He finished tasting her, then rested his cheek against hers, nudging her to look back over at a spent, panting Scott.  "He wants ya, darlin', bad, just like me.  Ain't that right?"

Scott caught something insistent in Logan's expression, and he went with his instincts, and the truth.  "Yes, I do." 

Logan felt Marie's skin heat with a blush.  "But - but you have Jean," she whispered before she could stop herself. 

"I want you," Scott replied.  "I'm settling for her."  It was the truth.  He'd become very attracted to Marie while Jean was occupied elsewhere.  No small part of his disappointment with her welcoming Logan back into her life was due to his own desire to explore a relationship with Marie.  Getting back together with Jean was, at first, an attempt to get some gratification out of seeing her grovel and beg his forgiveness for the affair.  It was petty, Scott knew, and beneath him, but his pride and his heart had been deeply wounded.  It changed him in ways that even he hadn't expected.  He found himself tiring of always doing the right thing, always being everyone's Boy Scout. 

Now, he and Jean were simply treading water.  It was a comfortable existence for Scott.  He only gave what he was willing to, which was very little.  In exchange, he got the chance to watch Jean go through a little of the pain she'd inflicted on him, and the opportunity to decide whether to seriously pursue a relationship with her at his leisure.  He did know one thing - he wasn't as attracted to Jean as he once was, even if Jean did seem genuine about wanting to repair things between them.  On the rare occasions that they made love, Scott found himself thinking of other women - most often Ororo and Marie, both of whom had bodies that were lush and full, a sharp contrast to Jean's angled, boxy form. 

"No.."  Marie shook her head in disbelief. 

"Yes," Scott insisted, leaving the chair to sit beside her on the edge of the bed.  Logan tensed, and held her closer.  Scott met the other man's eyes and hoped Logan would realize his intent.  Scott slowly but deliberately reached out to stroke Marie's cheek.  "You're like some goddess, Marie.  I can't think of a man who wouldn't want you.  Watching you now - that's the most excited I've been in a long time.  In too long a time," he mused. 

"Really?" Marie looked from Scott to Logan in confusion.  Logan answered for them both. 

"Yeah.  I dunno how else to show you, Marie.  I dunno how to make you believe it."  One of Logan's hands wound around to caress her bare breast, and he nodded briefly at Scott.  "Let us show you.  Just for tonight, let us show you, Marie."

"Are - are you saying - "  Marie cut herself off to squirm around and get a better look at Logan.  His possessiveness was legendary and especially now that she was carrying his child, she thought he couldn't possibly be suggesting that they all -

"I decide what.  I decide how.  But yeah.  I'm saying - yeah."  His eyes became soft and he lowered his forehead to touch hers.  "I wantcha to have this." 

Without breaking Logan's intense gaze, Marie whispered, "Scott?"

In reply, he eased himself down beside her, scooting both her and Logan over a little in the process.  "If you want to," he finally said when he was completely horizontal.  Marie didn't answer in words at first either, she simply shifted to lie on her back between the two men.  Logan ran a large hand over her stomach.  She lay quiet for a while, but then took Scott's hand in hers and lay it on her breast.  Turning her head to seek Logan's approval, she removed her hand from Scott's when she saw the soft look in Logan's eyes. 

Scott propped himself up a little, so that he leaned over her.  Logan's hand remained on her stomach, but he lay down on his back, seemingly assenting to Scott's actions.  Scott caressed Marie's breasts gently, stopping occasionally to pinch her nipple.  Sensing that Marie was still tense, he didn't go any further, lingering there for quite a long time.  That was fine by Scott - Marie had generous breasts, and he'd never been with a woman who had.  Finally, though, Logan began kissing Marie's face and whispering encouragements to her, asking her to let go and enjoy Scott's attentions, telling her not to worry about displeasing him.  Marie did relax at that, and Scott slowly began moving his hands down her body. 

She parted her legs a little to accommodate his caresses, opening more fully as he delved a finger inside her.  He touched her completely differently than Logan.  Marie knew that she didn't have a breadth of sexual experience to judge by, but she thought that the two men must be as polarly opposite in bed as they were in other matters.  Where Logan would touch her firmly, insistently, sensually, Scott was exploring, using light-as-a-feather, almost chaste caresses.  Where Logan would focus on giving her pleasure, Scott was taking his own pleasure in canvassing her body, letting his own desires guide his touches.  Marie shifted and moaned as she let the sensations Scott was producing wash over her.

Feeling Marie's arousal deepen, Scott looked to Logan for a moment, then began kissing his way down Marie's body.  When his mouth reached her sex, he began sucking and licking all over, only occasionally brushing against her pleasure center.  Marie teetered on the edge of satisfaction each time he brushed against her, and, after many long moments, she plunged a hand into his hair and directed him to where she desired.  Scott relented, letting Marie take over the pace.  She bucked her hips into his mouth - slowly at first, then more frantically - as she sought release.  When he thought she could take no more, Scott gave several quick, firm licks to her most sensitive spots, sending her careening over the edge. 

Scott levered himself up from her body to see Logan holding her, caressing her.  Scott was touched by that - there was a generosity and tenderness there that he'd never have credited Logan with.  Scott watched them a moment before positioning himself to enter Marie.  He splayed her legs apart, and just as he was about to slick the head of his penis with her juices, he felt her small hand on his thigh.  "Wait," she whispered, looking over at Logan.  "I - I don't want to - "

"It's OK if you do wanna.  Just this one time.  I'm here with you and I - it's OK, Marie."  It was visibly difficult for him to get the words out, and tears began to pool in Marie's eyes. 

"No, sugar," she whispered.  "I - some things are just for you."  She ran a hand over her stomach and, although the significance was lost on Scott, Logan understood.  Marie gave him a gentle smile and then turned to face Scott, who was still kneeling over her.  "I'm sorry, I just - it doesn't seem right."  She blushed, and shook her head a little, no doubt feeling the absurdity of her words given their current situation. 

"It's OK," Scott soothed, sitting back to rest his buttocks on his feet and smiling at her a little.  He'd been very glad to have the chance to touch her, to be the one to bring her to orgasm, to watch her as she drifted in pleasure at his touch.  But he still needed his own release.  His erection was still quite prominent, and he thought for a moment about what to do about that now. 

Marie decided for him, after another quick glance at Logan.  Slowly maneuvering around to get on her hands and knees in front of Scott, she met his eyes, and seeing desire there, gently ran the tip of her tongue over the tip of his engorged penis.   Scott shuddered at that and couldn't restrain himself from thrusting toward Marie a little.  His entire body hummed with want, and Marie didn't make him wait. 

She leaned forward, taking the length of him in her mouth.  Scott groaned at the hot wetness that had engulfed him.  Marie began to suck him firmly, winding one hand around his buttocks to encourage him to thrust in her mouth.  Taking that cue, Scott plunged both hands into her hair, stilling her movements and thrusting harder.  He was almost too far gone to hear a low growl escape from Logan, but he caught it, then watched as the other man positioned himself behind Marie. 

Logan entered her without warning, and she startled a little.  Scott eased his grip on her head and made it a caress while Logan began gently stroking her hips and back.  As Marie relaxed and Logan began to pump against her, Scott resumed his own thrusts, matching his rhythm to Logan's. 

"God," Logan moaned, sinking his fingers into the soft flesh of Marie's buttocks.  Scott watched Logan penetrating Marie for a few moments before turning his gaze directly downward and watching with rapt attention as her full, pink lips encircled him.  The first time he'd been with Jean, she rarely indulged him in oral sex, and never asked for it herself.  After they'd gotten back together, she'd offered it to him incessantly, hoping to ingratiate herself with him at least sexually.  Scott often refused - he knew she didn't enjoy it and was only doing it to try to make things up to him.  He had no desire to humiliate her or to have her do things he knew she would rather not.  Jean usually looked very sad when he refused. 

"Baby," Logan gasped out, "It's so good."  He seemed almost unaware of Scott, completely lost in Marie.  Scott turned his thoughts back to the woman with him, and firmly put Jean out of his mind.  Marie was still letting him guide the pace, but was swirling her tongue around him as he thrust into her mouth, avidly sucking and licking him inside. 

"Close," he grunted.  "I'm close, Marie."  She responded by relaxing her throat muscles and anchoring both hands on his hips.  That action, that encouragement, was all he needed to go over the edge.  He'd never had a woman swallow his come before, and the thought of Marie doing it now made him explode with desire.  "Marie - Marie!" 

She felt him pouring into her mouth and gently swallowed around him.  He tasted different than Logan - not as thick, not as salty, sweeter.  She continued to softly lick and suck him as he spent every last drop then she slowly eased him from her mouth.  She looked up at Scott, and unconsciously licked her red, swollen lips.  "Marie," he whispered with affection and satisfaction. 

Scott fell back to a sitting position on the bed, watching as Logan's arms came around Marie, both hands grabbing her breasts and pulling her a little more upright.  He could see where she and Logan were intimately joined and he found himself jealous.  He wanted to feel her softness, her heat.  Logan must have sensed some of what Scott was feeling - he cast a dark glare at him over Rogue's shoulder.  Logan's lip curled in a snarl, and one hand slid toward Marie's sex. 

Logan began touching her, not at all gently, and increased the force and speed of his thrusts.  Marie was writhing, moaning, almost delirious with pleasure.  Scott couldn't help touching himself again, even though he was nowhere near ready to become hard yet.  Marie's eyes drifted open and shut, her body completely pliant, as Logan continued.  Suddenly, Marie shook and stiffened in Logan's arms, her hands flailing back toward Logan's body.  She let out a loud, deep cry of pleasure, which Logan answered a second later.    As they both came back to themselves, Scott caught Logan giving him a triumphant look, as though he was saying - this is what I have, this is what I make her do.  

Scott turned his eyes to Marie's and her expression was completely different.  There was so much love in her eyes, Scott thought.  Logan was stroking her stomach again and whispering something in her ear.  The viscous stream of white liquid running down Marie's inner thigh caught Scott's attention, and he found himself wondering when he started thinking that sex had to be neat, clean, tame.  Marie turned her head to look at Logan, and he took immediate advantage of her doing so, kissing her deeply and sitting her back down on the bed in his lap as he did so. 

Scott crawled over to them a little, and as soon as Marie's mouth broke from Logan's, Scott captured it in his own.  His kiss was gentle, tender, affectionate, and quick.  He sat back from the couple, watching Marie sink back into Logan's embrace.  "Thank you."  Scott didn't know if he meant the words for Marie or Logan or both.  Marie smiled; Logan's expression was unreadable.

"Come on, Logan," Marie said gently, "Let's get some sleep."  She looked peaceful for the first time that Scott could remember.  Logan flicked his head at Scott, indicating that he should return to the chair, and then lay her down and covered her with blankets.  He curled himself around her, placing his body between her and Scott.  Whispering a few 'I love you's before drifting off himself, Logan finally seemed at peace as well. 

Scott awoke first, the chair being considerably less comfortable than Logan and Marie's bed.  He borrowed some more of Logan's clothes and rekindled the fire that had dimmed during the night.  The storm had cleared and the blackbird would have no trouble picking him up.  He put some fresh coffee on, and called back to the mansion.   It would take them about two hours, Scott thought, and that would give him plenty of time to relax and process what had happened. 

No one would've believed the rigid, tightly controlled leader of the x-men would ever behave as Scott had last night.  He didn't have any regrets, though.  He had no sense of embarrassment or impropriety.  What happened seemed somehow natural and right.  He sipped his coffee and pondered how that could be so while waiting for Logan and Marie to wake. 

Logan woke first, probably stirred by the smell of the coffee.  He immediately sought out Scott, and after getting a visual fix on his location, sank back into bed for a while.  Scott saw his hands moving beneath the covers, caressing Marie's body.  She didn't wake, but her lips curled in a sleepy smile.  Logan pressed a kiss to her hair, then got out of bed.  He didn't bother to put any clothing on, he just wandered into the small kitchen and poured himself some coffee.  Not for the first time, Scott wondered what Rogue saw in him. 

"They should be here in about 20 minutes."


"You were very good to her last night."  Scot hadn't really intended on having a conversation with Logan about what had happened, but that seemed to pop out of its own volition. 


"Why did you do it?"  Scott fixed his gaze on Logan, intent of observing him as he answered the question. 

"None of your business, One-Eye."  Logan stared back.  "Don't think you're ever gonna lay a hand on her again." 

"You know what I think?  I think she hasn't been happy with you since you got together.  I think you finally realize how special she is and you want to hang on to her.  I think you're desperate enough to try almost anything to get her to stay."

Logan paused for a moment, apparently giving Scott's words some consideration.  "Nobody's forcin' her to stay.  She loves me.  She wants to be with me."  His words lacked any passion; they tumbled out of his mouth in an empty, almost bitter tone. 

"Look what that's gotten her.  Nothing but heartache."  Scott had never confronted Logan about the affair with Jean, not directly, but now, finally, he felt he had to say something.  "What the hell were you thinking, Logan?  You knew she loved you when you got in bed with Jean.  You knew you'd hurt her, probably in ways you'd never be able to fix.  What the hell were you thinking?"

"That she'd hurt more if I loved her.  That I'd never be what she needed."  Logan's eyes had darkened, and he focused his gaze into his coffee cup. 

"You're not," Scott blurted out. 

"I know that."  Logan's quiet admission stunned Scott.  "But she - she can't stop lovin' me and I can't stop lovin' her.  Don't have nothin' to do with what's right or what's best."

"So - so what?  You're going to just live together here, try to make her happy?"

"Yeah."  Logan took a long sip of the coffee.  "Ain't that what you're tryin' to do with Jeannie?"

"I - "  Scott cut himself off, suddenly not sure how to answer.  He hadn't been trying to make Jean happy; she'd been trying to make him happy, to win him back, but he hadn't been trying to make her happy at all.  I've been trying to punish her, Scott thought, I've been punishing her for what she did to me.  "I don't know.  I don't think I'll ever trust her again.  I don't think we can put our relationship back together."

"Hmph," Logan grunted.  "What you said 'bout wantin' Marie but settlin' for Jeannie - that was right, wasn't it?"

Scott took a step back, putting some distance between himself and Logan before he answered the question.  "Yes.  It's at least a little true, at least some.  I know what I don't want.  I know I don't want Jean anymore.  I could've loved Rogue."

"You ain't gonna take her away from me," Logan said, a little too calmly.  "She don't love you.  What happened with her and you last night - she woulda never done it if I hadn't said yes to it, if I hadn't started it.  Don't go thinkin' she has some thing for you 'cause she don't."

"Are you so sure of that?"  Scott jibed, even as the emotional reality that Rogue *didn't* care for him made itself known. 

"Yeah," Logan answered in that same resigned, blank tone he'd used before.  "Do ya think if she had any other options, if she could really make herself stop lovin' me, that she'd still be with me?"  Logan gave a wry smile with the words, but they struck at Scott's heart.  He stood there simply staring at Logan, for the first time feeling sorry for him. 

"Mmmm"  Marie's sleepy moan brought both men out of their thoughts.  "You up?"

"Yeah, darlin'," Logan answered.  "X-men should be here to pick up Scooter soon.  Want some tea?"  Marie had stopped drinking coffee in favor of herbal tea since she had gotten pregnant. 

"Sure.  Thanks."  Logan smiled at that.  Marie usually wouldn't let him bring her tea in bed, preferring to get up and start cooking breakfast for him.  Logan thought it might be a good sign that she was willing to let him pamper her a little. 

Marie scooted up into a sitting position and leaned back against the headboard, pulling the blankets up with her to keep her naked form covered.  As Logan fussed in the kitchen with the tea, Scott went over to sit beside her.  "How are you feeling this morning?"

"Good.  Oddly unembarrassed.  Almost embarrassingly unembarrassed."  She blushed and folded her hands over in her lap.  "How about you?"

"About the same," Scott offered, smiling a little.  "It was good to see you happy."

"But you're not happy, are you?" Marie whispered.  "Things - things must be pretty bad with Jean for you to - "

"That's not why," Scott interrupted.  "That was all about you and not at all about Jean."  Logan had paused his tea preparations to listen in on their conversation.  Neither Scott or Marie noticed.  "I meant everything I said, everything we did.  I want you to know that."  That brought a smile to Marie's lips and Logan let out a breath.  They heard a growing hum approaching from the east, and Scott knew that would be the blackbird, coming to pick him up.  "I've got to go."  Marie nodded, and Scott planted a soft kiss on her forehead before leaving her side.  He looked over at Logan, still standing naked in the kitchen.  "Are you going to put any clothes on?"

Logan grumbled but pulled on his boxers, discarded from the night before.  He snagged Marie's nightgown from the floor, and brought it over with her tea.  She was about to try to wiggle into it beneath the covers, when someone knocked at the door. 

"Coming," Scott replied.  He opened the door to reveal a very worried Jean and an exhausted- looking Storm. 

"Are you all right?" Jean asked, peering inside to see Logan and Marie sitting in bed.  She wasn't sure if she'd been afraid for Scott's safety or for Logan's, but having the two in such close proximity couldn't be good.  "I was so worried." 

"I know," Scott said softly.  "I'm fine.  It's time for us to go." 

"Good to see you both again," Storm offered, waving a little at Rogue.  Jean tried to look anywhere but at the pair.  But for the first time, Marie didn't avoid taking a good look at Jean.  Before, at the mansion, she'd found it painful to even be in the same room as the red-headed doctor.  Feelings of inferiority and sadness always surfaced around Jean, and Marie had found it best to simply remove herself from the situation.  But now, she looked right at Jean, taking the measure of her in. 

She was beautiful, Marie thought, but she was far from perfect.  In the sunlight, little lines pinched in at her eyes and mouth, her collarbones protruded markedly beneath her skin, and her legs looked a little bow-legged.  Marie had never noticed these things before - she'd only been absorbed in her own imperfections.  I can see why they might want me, Marie thought.  Jean's beautiful, but I have some things she doesn't.  I have a beautiful part or two too. 

Just then, Jean caught Marie's eye for a split-second before hurriedly looking away.  Storm was already back out the doorway, on her way back to the plane.  Scott was about to take pity on Jean and usher her out the door, ending her discomfort, when he noticed her raising her head once again.  This time, her gaze fell on Logan, and it was full of regret and despair, but there was also something in it that was confident, intimate, almost taunting.  Almost taunting both of them - Logan and Rogue - with the fact that Jean had been his lover, and that she felt she would always own a piece of his heart.  Scott's anger flared and he grabbed her by the arm. 

"Jean - let's go."  Scott brusquely pushed her toward the door, then through it.  He cast one last look back at Rogue, an apologetic one, and then shut the door behind them both. 

Rogue stared at the closed door for a few moments, then turned to Logan.  He gathered her close to him and breathe her in deeply.  She smelled a little like Scott, and a lot like Logan, but most of all, she smelled happy, content.  When he caught her eye, there was an abundance of warmth and love in her expression.  She leaned forward a little and gave him a soft kiss on the lips. 

"I love you, Logan," she murmured, not really parting from him but simply resting her nose and forehead against his. 

"I love you too, darlin'." 

"Are you OK with what happened last night?"  Logan nodded.  "I was thinking about it this morning, you know, when I first woke up."

"Mmm?"  Marie felt Logan's warm hands begin caressing her back. 

"I was thinking that I've never felt that - that wanted before, that desired.  It felt good.  It felt really good." 

"I'm glad."  Logan dropped his head a little to begin kissing her neck. 

"But then I thought - wait a minute, you've always been that way with me.  You've always been very good to me and very loving."  She gently took his head in her hands, stopping his ministrations and making him meet her eyes.  "I just never noticed it, not really.  I was - I was all caught up in trying to make you happy, in trying to be what you wanted, that I never noticed.  I'm so sorry, Logan." 

"It's all right, baby.  You're everythin' I ever wanted, you know that?" 

Marie nodded.   "I love you very much.  I'm glad - I'm glad for last night, but I'm glad that it will be you and me from here on out, that those things, those intimate things will be just between us."

"Always.  No one else.  Not for me, darlin'."

"Not for me either," she smiled.  "Guess what?"


"We're going to have a baby."  For the first time, Marie smiled broadly when she talked about their child.  Joy lit her features, and Logan thought he'd never seen her quite so beautiful.  "We're going to have to come up with baby names, and we're going to have to get a crib and little baby clothes.."

"After we make love, darlin'," Logan countered, drawing a playful giggle from Marie.  He smiled in return, and lay her back down in the bed. 

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