Ophelia and Not

Title:  Ophelia and Not
Author:  Terri
E-mail:  xgrrl26@yahoo.com
Rating:  R, adult themes
Disclaimer:  I don't own any of them, but if I did, I
think I'd be sorely tempted to give Jean a
butt-whoopin' if she ever acted like she does here
Archive:  WRFA, Mutual Admiration, Peep Hut, everyone
else, please ask and I'll say yes ;)
Feedback:  Please!  Pretty please?  Good, bad, and
ugly welcome, but be forewarned that flames will be
publicly mocked ;)
Summary:  Kitty takes Scott's rejection hard, and
Scott takes measures to make sure Rogue doesn't follow
in Kitty's footsteps.
Comments:  This is a product of an orphan plot bunny
(I can't remember who flung it.but please step
forward and claim your prize if you did) that asked
for a fic where Scott urges Logan to tell Marie he
loves her.  It gnawed on my butt for a good long time
before anything got written, but finally, this ficlet
came out ;)  It's not my favorite, but it did get me
back into the swing of things after a 'surprise'
business trip out west for a week and a friend showing
up on my doorstep at midnight this Friday, asking to
be taken to a detox program.  Oh, how I love my life
when it's like this


Scott entered the kitchen to find Rogue sitting at the
table, sipping a mug of hot chocolate.  Scott was glad
to see her - he was exhausted on top of exhausted, and
Rogue was one of those people that he could sit and
talk with easily.  Given all that had happened in the
past few days, that kind of low-effort conversation
would be welcome, maybe even relaxing. 

"Hey, Rogue."

"Hey."  She looked up from her hot chocolate and gave
him a gentle smile.  "How are you holding up?"

Horribly, Scott thought.  All things considered, I'm
doing just awful, thank you very much.  "Me?  I'm
doing OK.  How about you?"

"Hanging in there.  I just came up from the medlab."
Rogue's ever-present slight smile quirked into an
apologetic one. 

"I was just headed down.  How is she?"  A momentary
flash of surprise traveled Rogue's features, but then
the smile returned. 

"Better, I think.  Hank's keeping a close eye on her,
and you know how he is - he improves anyone's mood."
Rogue paused, then continued more seriously.  "Are you
sure it's a good idea for you to go down there,

Scott looked stricken.  "She - does she not want to
see me?  The last time, I thought it helped, I thought
- "

"No, no.  Kitty would love to see you, I'm sure.  But
what about Jean?"  Rogue said the words with some
obvious trepidation, but Scott only looked at her

"What about her?"

Rogue looked confused, then embarrassed.  "Well, I
don't think a repeat of what happened on Tuesday would
be such a good idea right now.  At least - at least
not for Kitty.  I mean, I'm sure Jean wouldn't be as -
I'm sure she'd be more - I, uh, never mind.  You know
what?  Just forget I said anything.  Kit would love to
see you."  Rogue dropped her head and seemed to be
fascinated by the marshmallow arrangement taking place
her hot chocolate.

"Rogue," Scott began slowly, "I don't know what you're
talking about."

"Of course."  Rogue nodded apologetically.  "I
shouldn't have said anything, I'm just a little
overprotective, a little paranoid about Kit right

"Me too," Scott agreed, "but I don't - you said
something about Jean and last time?  I don't get that

"You know......"  Rogue looked away as she averred.
"Tuesday.  Jean's talk with Kitty about the whole
thing.  I'm sure she was mad and everything, and she
had a right to be.  I mean, Kit - it's just a crush,
you know?  But I'm sure I'd be mad if someone made a
big pass at my husband, even if I knew it wasn't - "

"Jean was mad?"  Scott was plainly surprised.  Jean
had seemed to take Kitty's awkward romantic overtures
and the 'big pass' - cornering Scott for a kiss - in
stride.  Jean seemed as sympathetic and shaken after
Kitty's subsequent suicide attempt as Scott himself
had.  He hadn't seen, or sensed through their
telepathic link, any anger from Jean about the whole
situation.  Scott had been very pleased and proud of
the way Jean had reacted.

"Just frustrated, I'm sure," Rogue demurred, perhaps
beginning to catch on that Scott hadn't known about
Jean's discussion with Kitty. 

"Rogue," Scott leaned forward and continued in his
'command' voice, "tell me exactly what happened."

"Scott, you should really talk to Jean about it."
Rogue waved him off as she rose to put the now-empty
cocoa cup in the sink. 

"I will.  But I want to hear your side of things,
now."  Rogue winced a little at his increasingly sharp
tone, and Scott huffed.  "Sorry.  I just - I need to
know what's going on, OK?"

Rogue looked indecisive for a moment, then blew out a
breath and leaned back against the sink.  "After Jean
had patched Kitty up and after she regained
consciousness, Jean told her in no uncertain terms
that she was personally insulted by Kitty's behavior
and that she was very disappointed in her.  She also
told her that you weren't interested in her in the
least, and that you never would be.  Jean told Kitty
that she should stop embarrassing herself with her
behavior, and that slashing her wrists in the bathtub
was a classic method of getting attention - not a real
suicide attempt.  Jean said that she'd recommend
psychiatric commitment if Kitty's 'issues' continued.
I'm sure - I'm sure Jean meant well - tough love and
all - but it was just the wrong timing.  Kitty wasn't
even out of her hospital bed, and she took it pretty
hard.  I think - I think that's why she phased herself
to the bottom of the lake.  She wanted to show she was
serious about......"  Rogue trailed off as she caught
Scott's expression.  Not only was he apparently
completely surprised, he wasn't too happy about it.
"It was just lucky for Kit that I was out walking and
heard the water sloshing around.  And that we have a
very clear lake."

"Kitty told you this?"

"Well, yeah.  Plus - I eavesdropped a little."  Rogue
blushed as she admitted it.  "I was just worried about
Kit, you know?  I could smell how mad Jean was and I -
I was just a little worried.  I went in and talked to
Kit after, you know, to tell her not to worry and that
we were all going to stick by her and that she didn't
need - she didn't need to be committed or anything.
I'm no expert, but the Professor's a counselor and so
is Hank, and they'd said that they wanted to help her
and - "

"Rogue," Scott bit out, interrupting, "Why didn't you
tell me this before?" 

Rogue could smell that he was angry, but she couldn't
fathom why he'd be angry with her for not saying
anything.  She looked at him with plain confusion and
stated the obvious.  "I thought Jean would."

"She didn't," Scott admitted through clenched teeth.
Actually, he was angry with himself for not guessing
that Jean would do something like this.  He'd accepted
her even-tempered attitude toward Kitty without
question, and he shouldn't have.  He knew she was
almost paranoically jealous.  If he touched or smiled
or talked to a woman, Jean unfailingly made some
comment about it. He should've guessed that a student
of his planting a kiss on him in front of her would
bring about something like this.

"I'm - I'm sorry."  Rogue's eyes had gotten very big
and were now darting everywhere in the kitchen except
in Scott's direction.

"No, no. I'm sorry."  Scott exhaled, deliberately
trying to lower his tension level.  "I'm not upset at
you.  I'm just - I wish I had known."

Emboldened by his words, Rogue returned to sit at the
table across from Scott.  "Kitty would really like to
see you, you know?  I think the hardest thing, the
worst thing for her is thinking that you might be
embarrassed or mad or something.  If you go talk to
her, she'll feel better.  Maybe - maybe just ask Jean
not to say anything this time."

Scott knew that wouldn't work - Jean would read from
him that he'd talked to Kitty, he couldn't shield that
from her if she was looking for it, and she probably
was.  He was relatively sure she wouldn't heed his
requests to leave Kitty alone, given what Rogue had
said.  He'd just have to think of something, and
prepare Kitty just in case whatever he thought of
didn't work.  "Thanks, Rogue.  I - I appreciate you
telling me."

"Well, then don't tell Jean it was me," she

Scott smiled for a moment, then turned suddenly very
grave.  "You know, I hope you never - I mean I know
that you - you have feelings for Logan, and I hope you
don't get - get upset when he doesn't return those
feelings like you want him to." 

Rogue flinched back in surprise.  She and Scott rarely
talked about Logan.  It wasn't a secret that she
practically worshiped Logan, that they were very
close, but she had thought Scott understood the
situation.  "It's not like that," she blurted out.  "I
would never wish for him to love me.  I'd never
condemn him to a life like that.  It's bad enough that
he - " Rogue seemed to suddenly remember that she
didn't like talking about this whole area very much,
and she shut her mouth and leaned back in her chair.

"Did he do something to you?  Because if he did - "

"No, no, nothing like that, Scott."  Rogue knew well
that Scott was ever-vigilant for some sign that Logan
had hurt her.  She remembered Scott telling her once
how furious he'd been that Logan had stabbed her.
Rogue had reminded him that the internal organs
shish-kabobed that night had been hers, and if she
wasn't mad, he shouldn't be either.  She'd also
reminded him that she almost killed Logan as well, but
it did little to assuage Scott's suspicions.  "It's
just - all I ever do is get him in trouble.  I don't
want to hurt him anymore.  I want him to have -" Her
emotions caught up with her and she choked up a bit.
"I want him to have a good life.  I want him to be
happy, and I know - I know that won't be with me." 

The earnestness, the matter-of-factness in her voice
shook Scott.  The few tears leaking out despite what
he knew were her best efforts to hold them in worried
him even more.  "Rogue - "

"I'm OK, Scott," she said softly.  "I'm not going to
jump in the lake.  It's - it's just how my life is.
I'll get over it."

"You love him."  It wasn't a question, and Rogue
didn't answer.  "Oh, Rogue......"  Scott's warning
tone in her name was enough to foretell where this
conversation would be going.  Rogue decided to cut him
off before she made any more of a mess of things.
Maybe it was time to just lay her cards on the table.
Maybe Scott would finally realize that she wasn't in
any 'danger' of having that kind of relationship with
Logan if she just told him what's what.

"I'll always love him, Scott.  Really, really love
him.  It's not like Kitty and you, I - it's just not
like that.  But I know - I know that even if he might
have a feeling or two like that for me, he won't - he
won't do anything about it.  He just - he just doesn't
see me like that, and I'm so grateful.  So grateful,
Scott.  I would never wish for bad things for Logan,
and I can only bring him bad things."  Her voice had
softened at the end and she leaned across the table, a
few more tears leaking out.  "I don't have any silly
fantasies about happily-ever-after, Scott.  I know -
I've seen what life really is.  I might not want it to
be that way sometimes, but I can't change that.  My
mutation - even the Professor says there's no hope.  I
couldn't - I couldn't ask that of Logan, not ever.  I
want him - he deserves to be happy, to have a good
life.  I know you don't like him, but - but he
deserves that so much.  I couldn't ever wish for
anything different for him.  It would break my heart,
Scott.  That's what would break my heart."  It had
cost Rogue  a lot to say those words, and she hoped
Scott understood.  She leaned back in her chair and
wiped away the tears.

Scott opened his mouth to say something, then shut it
again.  Rogue couldn't read his expression.  Finally,
he rose from the table.  "Take care of yourself,
Rogue.  I'm - I'm going down to see Kitty."

"Scott - what about Jean?"

He turned back at her call, and now she could read his
expression - sadness.  Profound sadness and regret.
"I'll take care of Jean.  Don't worry."

"Thanks, Scott."  Rogue relaxed into the chair and
watched him go. 

Logan was lost in thought, working on his old Indian.
He liked the solitude of the garage, and he liked that
the grease and exhaust smells usually covered all the
other ones, providing a distraction-free environment
to work on the bike and to think things through.  The
things he thought about usually revolved around Marie.
Was she happy?  Was she safe?  Would she come to his
room tonight, shaken by one of his nightmares?  Was he
doing a good enough job of comforting her when she
did?  Would tonight be a 'fun' night - would she catch
him in the hall when he came up, offer to fetch him a
beer, and sit and watch hockey with him?  And most
importantly of all, what was she thinking about him?
Was he just someone she was grateful to for saving her
life or were they more than that?   Those thoughts
were all milling around in his head tonight, so it was
with some irritation, then, that he identified Scott's
smell approaching. 

"Ain't it past your bedtime, one-eye?"  Logan taunted
without turning around.  He'd never liked Scott -
probably, he could admit to himself, because the kid
*had* saved his life and he hated owing anyone,
especially someone as wet-behind-the-ears as Scooter.
But after that awful night with Magneto, his distaste
had hardened.  He'd shot at the machine with Marie in
it, and, although Logan understood the tactical
necessity of why, he'd never understand the emotional
reality of how Scooter had actually done that, how he
could pull the trigger on Marie. 

"Are you in love with Rogue?"

Logan laughed mirthlessly.  Scooter's never gonna stop
riding me, Logan thought.  "Fuck off."

"I asked you a question, I want an answer."  There was
more than a little steel in Scott's voice, and it made
Logan turn around to face him. 

"And I gave you one.  Wanna hear it again?  Fuck off."
Logan tone was mocking, light, but his eyes intently
studied Scott's bearing and expression.  It told him
that something was definitely up. 

"If you're in love with her, then you should tell
her."  That rocked Logan back on his heels. It
definitely wasn't what he'd ever expect to hear from
Scott.  "She loves you a lot, you know.  But she
thinks she'll ruin your life if you love her back.  So
if you love her, tell her.  If you don't, leave.  Get
the hell away from her and do it now.  Let her have
her own life.  Let her find someone who will love
her."  Logan let out an inaudible growl at that.  "Let
her go.  But this - whatever you two are doing now -
this is killing her.  It has to stop."

"Who the hell're you to - "

"That's all I came to tell you, Logan.  Take it or
leave it."  Scott turned and left, stalking away from
a very bewildered Logan.

"Hey, kid." Rogue's head snapped up as Logan entered
the kitchen.  She immediately smiled at him quite
warmly, and he wondered at the consistency of that
reaction in her.  He didn't think anyone had ever
smiled when they saw him coming.  "Whatcha doin'?"

"Oh, just thinking.  I was down to see Kitty." 

"How's she doin'?"  Logan didn't actually particularly
care.  To him, the girl was just some kid that Marie
knew, and one who had the poor taste to have a crush
on Scooter, to boot.  The extent of his concern for
Kitty was limited to the degree to which it impacted
Marie.  Logan went ballistic when he found out that
Rogue had jumped in the lake to drag the unconscious
girl out.  He was so mad that he didn't really even
remember what he'd been shouting at Marie as she
coughed up water on the bank of the lake.  All he
remembered was that her big soft eyes turned up to
look at him and they looked sad.  That had shut him up

"Better, I think.  Scott said he was going to go down
and see her, and I think that will help."

"Yeah, ran inta him on my way up here."  Logan took
the seat next to Marie at the table.  "Listen, I was
thinkin' that you and me, we'd do somethin' tonight."
He wanted to test the waters with Marie a little, to
find out if what Scott had told him had any merit. 

"Sure.  Hockey?"  Marie smiled up at him brightly.
Logan flashed back to Scott asking if he loved her.
Looking at her now, Logan wondered how anyone could
*not* fall in love with her. 

"Nah.  Wanna go out?"  Maybe, if he could get her
drinking a little, she'd open up and he'd know for
sure if what Scott had said was true.  Part of him -
the part that had only heard Scott say 'she loves you
a lot' - hoped it was.  The other part of him - the
part that cringed to think she didn't think he loved
her back, the part that deflated at the thought that
she was hurting - hoped he wasn't.  Logan couldn't
stand to wait for very long to find out for sure.

"I'd love to, but I kind of want to stick close to
Kit-Kat just in case, you know?"  She frowned a
little, disappointed that she couldn't do what he
wanted.  Logan had an overwhelming urge to kiss her
silly when she looked like that.  "Would you want to
stay in?  I think there's a good game on tonight," she
teased, "Detroit and Buffalo."

"OK, you got me.  Grab a coupla beers and let's hit
the TV room."  He could still get her to drink here,
he thought.  And maybe the familiar surroundings would
be even better for getting her to open up. 

"Or - or you could go out.  I mean, I didn't mean to -
to make you stay here."  The sincerely remorseful look
on her face hit him like a ton of bricks.  It also
told him that Scott was at least a little right.  That
simultaneously pissed him off and broke his heart.
"Go on out if you want.  I mean - "

"Nah.  You know me, kid.  Never miss a good game.  Go
on, grab us a coupla beers and let's settle in."
Logan smiled at her warmly, a smile that only she had
ever and would ever see.  She returned it, and went to
the fridge.  Logan found himself planning how to tell
Marie he loved her, how to make it right with her.  He
hated to admit it, but he knew he needed to follow
Scott's advice.  He knew he needed to do it soon. 

"How is she?" Scott inquired of Hank in the outer
office of the medlab.  Hank removed his glasses and
rubbed at his nose before answering.

"Reasonably all right.  She is quite fortunate that
she was resuscitated before any brain damage occurred.
She will make a complete recovery."

"What about emotionally?  How is she emotionally?"

Hank blew out a sigh.  "I think it will be a few days
before we know for certain.  She appears to be very
withdrawn, and I would not rule out another suicide
attempt.  I have talked to her somewhat, but I think
giving her a few more days to rest and heal before
embarking on any form of psychotherapy would be best."

Scott nodded his understanding. "Could I see her?"

"Yes.  But Scott, be careful.  Try to reassure her.
Now is not the time to encourage or dissuade her crush
on you.  Just - just try to be supportive."

"Will do," Scott agreed as he strode past the offices
and into the medlab.

Kitty was the only patient, and her head was tilted
away from Scott.  She was seemingly staring at the TV,
unmoving.  Scott paused a moment to look at her,
feeling an almost tangible sadness rise from her
hospital bed.  Fixing a small smile on his face, he
moved closer to her bedside.

"Hey," he called softly, getting her attention.  She
met his eyes briefly, then cast hers down and fidgeted
a little.  "How are you feeling?"

"Fine," she answered hollowly.  Scott pulled a chair
up next to her bed.  "I'm sorry."

"You don't have to be sorry for anything, Kitty."
Scott had hoped that would comfort her, but she still
didn't meet his eyes.  He tried a different tack.  "I
know what it feels like to be really sad, to feel like
anything would be better than going on the way you
have been.  I understand why you wanted everything to
just - just stop.  But, Kit, the rest of us, we're
selfish.  We don't want to lose you.  We like having
you around."

"You don't have to humor me."  That wasn't the
reaction Scott had hoped for.  Kitty turned her head
back to the TV. 

"I'm not," Scott temporized, trying to find the right
words to say.

"I'm not going to try anything else, you don't have to
worry.  I promised Rogue I wouldn't and I won't."
Scott saw a tear creep down her cheek.  He wanted to
give her a hug, but he was pretty sure that wouldn't
be best. 

"I'm glad," he answered honestly.  "You're my favorite
student, and a good friend.  I really don't want to
lose you."  He felt a few tears creeping into his
voice as well.

"I've been an awful friend to you.  I've - I've done
nothing but cause problems for you.  Please - " Kitty
turned toward Scott, revealing a red and puffy face.
"Tell Jean I'm really, really sorry.  I didn't mean to
- "

"Jean should be the one apologizing to you," Scott
interrupted sharply.  "She had no right to say those
things to you, and I want you to know you're not - I
was always flattered, Kit, never embarrassed.  I'm
married to Jean, and I - I love her, but I was never
mad about anything.  I want you to know that."  As
soon as he was finished, he inwardly cursed himself
for failing to follow Hank's instructions.  It had all
just come out, and if Kitty took his words as a
discouragement -

"Thanks."  Kitty's small smile gave Scott hope that he
hadn't bungled things irretrievably.  "I'm glad you're
not mad."

"I'm not," Scott reaffirmed, reaching out to give her
hand a light squeeze.  "Mind if I stay and watch TV
with you for a while?"  Kitty shook her head no, and
Scott let go of her hand.  "Good."

Two months later, Kitty was recovering well, Jean and
Scott's marriage wasn't doing so well, and Logan felt
like he'd been standing still with Rogue.  The more
time he spent with her, the more he became convinced
that Scooter had been right - Rogue did love him, but
she didn't want him to love her back.  She was afraid
she'd hurt him, that he'd be somehow shortchanged, if
he did.  Logan had tried to find ways to show her that
wasn't true, but he hadn't been very successful so
far.  When he asked her to come over every night,
nightmares or no, she simply said OK and did so.  She
thought he was just trying to keep her in sight, just
obsessing about her safety.  He asked her to move into
his room, and she thought that was more of the same.
He told her he loved her and she smiled and said "I
know," thinking all the while that he was talking
about a friendship kind of love.  Logan was reaching
the end of his rope, and he'd decided that something
had to happen soon.  Last night, he'd been holding her
and kissing her head, as usual, and when his hand
drifted to her breast, she'd looked up at him with the
softest expression he'd ever seen and said that it was
OK, that they could do whatever he wanted.  He only
held her, and tried not to let the sadness he felt
come through.  That she'd do that, that she'd give
that to him, believing all the while he wouldn't and
*shouldn't* love her just about broke him.  He had to
do something, and soon.

Luckily, he was presented with a perfect opportunity
today.  It was the one-year anniversary of her being
kidnapped by Magneto, and Logan had offered to take
her to a hockey game, to take her mind off of it.  She
gently demurred, saying that she'd like to go up to
the statue instead, and that she wanted to go alone.
There was no way that Logan wanted her alone up there,
and he insisted on coming along.  It would be a good
time to just lay it all out to her, to put his cards
on the table.   What's the worst that could happen? he

As they drove toward the city, just barely out of
Xavier's driveway, Logan mulled his speech over in his
head for the thousandth time, and finally decided he
could wait no longer.  "Hey, Marie?"

"Mmm-hmm," she replied absently, looking out the
passenger side window. 

"I wanna be in love with you, all right?  And I don't
wanna have you stress about that.  It's a good thing."
That caught her attention, and she turned to stare at
him open-mouthed.  "Look, Scooter said somethin' about
you thinkin' you'll ruin my life if I fall in love
with you, but that's really not true at all.  You're a
good thing in my life."  She still wasn't saying
anything, so he continued.  "I know you love me, a
lot, and I just think it's kinda silly to worry 'bout
me havin' a bad life or somethin' 'cause I love you
back.  That ain't how it is, it ain't how it's ever
been, and it ain't how it's gonna be.  So..........so
let's just do that then, huh?"

"Logan," Marie began, finally finding her voice.
"I've already been too much trouble to you.  I already
owe you so much.  And I'd never - you could never
touch me, I could never give you children, you'd never
have a normal life."

"I don't wanna have a normal life.  My normal life
sucked.  Look, Marie, you've been worth it.  You've
been worth everythin' 'cause you're the only person
that's ever made me feel things, good things.  You're
more than worth it, and if I got the unbelievable good
luck to have ya love me, I just think it's kinda
stupid to waste that.  Not everybody - shit, hardly
anybody - gets that.  I think you should just, you
know, lemme love ya back and quit worryin'."

"But - but - "

"But nothin'.  I ain't worried 'bout your skin, and
kids - well, if we can think of somethin', great.  If
not, that's OK.  I just want you.  I'm just - I'm
hardwired that way, I've felt it ever since I saw ya
climbin' outta my trailer in the snow.  I can't help
lovin' ya, and I don't wanna.  I thought maybe you'd
kinda get the hint that I wanted to be with ya, you
know, outta love, when I asked ya to move in,

"I thought you just wanted me right with you all the
time.  Just - just to keep an eye on me or something.
Just to make sure I was safe.  I - I - "

"Look," Logan changed lanes and pulled the car over to
the side of the road.  He shifted the lever into park
and turned to squarely face her.  "It's you and me.
That's just the way it is.  Stop worryin' 'bout it.
You ain't ruinin' my life or some shit.   You're
improvin' it.  You're improvin' it a lot.  I don't
wanna live without ya, and I can't live with ya bein'
all sad anymore.  I love you, you love me, it's all
good.  OK?"  Logan was more nervous than he hoped he
let on.  He knew he hadn't gotten it out quite right,
and hadn't even managed to stick to what he'd planned
to say in his head.  But it came from his heart, and
he was pretty sure that Marie would see that.  But
would she agree to it?

"OK," she answered softly, wearing an expression of
happy bewilderment.  "OK," she reaffirmed.

"Good," Logan exhaled.  He smiled at her and then
turned back to the steering wheel.  He was stayed by
her small, gloved hand on his. 

"Wait.  Let's - let's not go.  Can I change my mind?
Can we go to the hockey game instead?  I just - if
we're going to do this, let's just leave the bad
things behind.  I don't want to start this with - with
all those memories of you getting hurt hanging over
us.  Let's not go, OK?"

"Sure, darlin'."  Logan couldn't resist drawing her to
him for a tight hug and a few kisses against her soft
hair.  "But I gave away the hockey tickets.  We could
try a scalper or - or we could go home and watch.
Upstairs, in our room, maybe?"  That would be a
perfect solution, Logan thought.  It would give them
time alone together, time that he could use to show
her how much he wanted to be with her, how much he
loved her.  Screw the hockey game, he could watch

"Sounds good."  She squeezed him tightly then parted
from him.  "Are you sure?  I mean, you can change your
mind down the road if - "

"I'm sure.  No changin'.  Let's go, darlin'."  Marie
smiled at him, just another warm smile of hers, and he
felt it all the way to his bones.  Finally, he turned
the car around and headed home.

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