Team Building

Title:  Team Building
Author:  Terri
Rating:  PG-13
Archive:  DDFH, WRFA, Peep Hut - anyone else, please ask and I'll say yes.
Feedback:  Please!  Pretty please?  Good, bad, and ugly welcome
Summary:  The Professor decides to try some team building exercises to bring about more harmony between the X-Team, but it works much better on Logan and Rogue.
Comments:  If you've ever been subjected to the horror that corporate team building can be, you'll empathize with Logan here, and in fact, his closing line probably pretty much sums up how anyone who's ever been through that feels about it ;)  I recently went through one such bout of up-with-business-people-ness and came through pretty much unscathed, but in the past I've been forced to solve 'brain-teasers' with my coworkers (Co-Worker:  So let's all look at the order of the numbers and try to determine what the organizing principle behind it is.  It's not sequential, we know that.  It's not prime numbers, or square roots, or -   Terri:  They're in alphabetical order, by the name of the number.  Co-Worker:  We were supposed to figure it out as a team, Terri!  You ruined it!   Terri:  Yeah, but I figured it out and now the team can chill while everyone else fries their brain over it.  Don't I get some credit for that?  Co-Worker:  You just can't be a team player, can you?); squeeze fruit in a paper bag (Team Building Guru:  Now don't look inside, just feel your fruit.  Get to know it.  Cover every bump and dip in its surface.  Can you tell which fruit it is?  Keep feeling.  Now, people, just like you have to get to know your fruit, you have to get to know the staff that you supervise); construct an Eiffel tower out of paper clips (Co-Worker:  We have to find a way to build the base.  Terri:  We can use glue.  Co-Worker:  No, we can't, that's cheating!  Terri:  They didn't say not to use glue); and to sit in a big circle holding their hands and telling them what I liked best about them as people (Terri:  You have a..really good-um, you have really interesting.uh, you, you never say no when I ask to borrow your stapler.  You're very giving.)  Personally, I've always thought my work time was more productively spent helping clients and doing, you know, actual work, rather than fondling lemons with my eyes closed, but hey, that's just me ;)  On another note - this is my first fic since the move - whoo-hoo!  Thanks to all who sent notes with good wishes (and even to those who sent threats that I'd better get writing soon or else!) - I'm flattered to know you noticed I was gone :)  The fic production will still be a little slow, but should get back to normal after the end of the month.  This one, aside from the experiences mentioned above, was prompted by my need to just get writing again, and to do something short and relatively foofy ;) 


"This is stupid."

"You've already expressed your opinion on the matter, Logan.  Nonetheless, it is an important team building exercise, and we are all going to participate.  You included."

"Look, Chuck - "

"In fact, let's begin with you, shall we?"


"Ahem.  As I was saying, the idea is to tell your teammate one thing you like about them and one area in which you feel they need improvement.  You will do so tactfully, and sincerely.  Logan will begin."


"Perhaps you would like to begin with Scott."

"I toldya, I don't wanna do it."

"Logan, please."

"I think he needs to improve his attitude.  He's a dick."

"You were supposed to begin with something you liked about Scott."

"I'd like for him to bite me."


"I don't like anythin' about him.  Not a thing.  I ain't gonna make somethin' up."

"So Scott has no redeeming qualities whatsoever?"

"I guess him savin' Rogue's life was all right.  He blasted her outta my camper, so I guess he ain't totally useless."

"Rogue, Rogue, Rogue - the whole world revolves around Rogue."

"Jean, it is not your turn yet."

"Yeah, Jeannie, it ain't your turn, so stick it, why dontcha?"

"Hmph.  Well, I sure know what you're sticking to Rogue.  Don't think those dirty little thoughts of yours don't project."

"You just wish they were 'bout you - well, you can forget it!"

"You said I had your heart!"

"I was tryin' to get in your pants!  I didn't mean it, and I wish you'd just get over it!"

"Now, now, people, let's all - "

"You want to know something, Logan?  You never had a chance of getting anywhere near me.  Never in a million years would I want an animal like you."

"That ain't what your scent says, Jeannie.  Not even right now.  Fightin' just turns you on more.  Don't think I can't smell what dirty little thoughts you got."


"Oh, Scott, calm down, he's just saying it to bait you."

"Please, can't we all simply - "

"Forget it, Chuck.  I'm outta here."

"So is the team all built?" 

"No.  I walked out."


"It was stupid.  I ain't doin' it.  We don't get along, and so what?  We don't hafta.  We fight together fine when push comes to shove.  I don't hafta like 'em."

"What exactly did the Professor make you do?"

"We hadta tell one thing we liked and one thing we didn't about each person.  I got as far as Scooter, and I even found something to say that I liked.  But then Jeannie butted in and it got into a screamin' match.  God, that woman has the screechiest voice I've ever heard."

"What did you like about Scott?"

"Heh.  Don't look so surprised.  He ain't all bad.  I just like givin' him a hard time 'cause he's such a tightass.  I said I liked that he saved your life."


"You know, when Sabretooth attacked us in the camper, just after I picked you up."

"Oh.  I almost forgot about that.  You're right, I do like him a lot for that."

"Me too.  But that's what got under Jeannie's skin."

"She really doesn't like me, does she?"

"Has nothin' to do with you.  She don't like that I'm with you, not her.  Could be anyone.  As long as it's not her, she's gonna get pissed about it."

"Well, it's a price I'm willing to pay.  Besides, there are good things about Jean too."

"Yeah?  Like what?"

"She saved your life, after you touched me, on the Statue."


"She's a pretty good doctor.  She's helped lots of the kids with their mutations."

"I guess."

"There's something good about almost anyone, you know?"

"Don't cancel out the bad stuff."

"No, it kind of doesn't."

"What would you say 'bout me?  If Chuck asked ya, what would you say 'bout me, good and bad?"

"The good is a lot easier than the bad."

"I wanna hear both."

"OK.  OK, but then you do me.  Deal?"


"The good - I don't really even know where to begin there.  Wait - yes I do.  I do know.  It all begins with what a good heart you have."

"Oh, darlin', that's just with you.  That ain't me, generally speakin'."

"Yes, it is.  I've seen it a hundred ways, big and small.  You saved my life.  You're nice to the little kids."

"I am?"

"You are - the real little ones, the younger kids who are genuinely afraid of you.  You always do something to put them at ease - play with them, talk to them, take them out to explore the woods.  You're really good with them."

"I guess.  Don't want 'em to stress over nothin'.  They're so little, you know?"

"Yeah.  That's the good heart kicking in right there, you know."


"So - good heart.  And you've also got an amazing mind."

"Oh, honey, my brain ain't like Chuck's or Hank's."

"No, not like theirs, but you've got a very sharp mind and great instincts.  You're street-smart."

"Well, I guess I can agree with ya there."

"And you've got an incredible tenderness about you, a real gentleness."

"Only with you.  That one's really only with you, darlin'.  Nobody else sees me like that."

"But it's there.  It's in you and it's really good.  I'm glad I get to see it."

"C'mere.  Tell me somethin' else, tell me one of the bad ones."

"Those are hard to say."

"But they're in there, ain't they?"

"Some.  But before I say any of them, I want you to know that I really love you, all the parts of you, good and not-entirely-good."

"I know that, darlin'.  C'mon, spill it."

"You can be reckless.  Sometimes, especially if it's me in danger, you don't care what happens to yourself or anyone around you.  It scares me sometimes that you could get really hurt."

"That's just 'cause I can't lose you, you know that.  I'm not that way all the time."

"No, you're not.  And you're not reckless in ways that count a lot with me - you're not reckless with my heart or my emotions.  You're actually very careful with those."

"Yep.  Always gonna be.  Go on, baby, there's more in there."

"OK.  Sometimes I don't like it when you get upset at small things - when you get this look like you're mad that I'm talking to Remy in the hall or when someone gives me a really wide berth in the dining hall and then you glare at them.  It hurts me sometimes, when I think you might think I'd go off and be with Remy or when you think I can't handle how people treat me."

"Hmm.  That's two separate things, actually.  The first one is - you're mine.  You just are.  And I don't mean it in a caveman, drag-ya-by-the-hair kinda way.  I mean it in a you're-really-good-and-I'm-desperate-to-hang-on-to-ya kinda way.  I know that's bad, but I don't wanna have it hurtin' ya 'cause that's really all just me, you know, internally.  That's all about what's goin' on inside me.  You never do anythin' to make me think I might lose ya or that you might go off with Remy, not objectively speakin', and I actually don't really think that, not at all.  It's just my own paranoid reaction, inside.  I'm scared of losin' ya."

"Don't be.  Really.  Really, really, don't be.  As long as I'm alive, you'll have me, OK?  Maybe - maybe we can just agree on that, OK?"

"I dunno.  Darlin', you're young, real young, and what if you change your mind down the road?  What if you want somethin' else?"

"I guess that could happen.  I guess I might get curious or wonder what someone else would be like to love.  But I made a commitment to you, and Logan, my heart will always want to be with yours so much more than anyone else's.  I love you with everything in me, and I don't see that changing.  The same could be said for you, you know - you could change your mind about us down the road."

"Not really.  You're the only person I ever felt like this for in all the time I can remember, and probably in all the time I've been around, period.  Plus - I dunno, it's like, you're the maximum.  I'll never be able to do any better than you.  There just isn't anythin' or anyone better than you.  Hell, you're better than I ever even imagined, you know?  I've been around enough to know when I got a good thing, and I sure as hell know when I got the best thing."

"That's it - how you said it - that's how I feel about you too."

"But I ain't the best, darlin'.  Jeannie said it today, I'm just an animal."

"Not true.  Oh my God, that's so not true.  You're a man, and the best one I've ever known.  It's completely untrue, what she said.  And remind me to go kick her ass later."

"I can fight my own battles, baby."

"I know, but still, nobody says things like that about my man."

"Heh.  I like it when you're feisty."

"Mmmm.   Did I mention that I like how you kiss?"

"No, but we can come back to the good things later.  I was sayin' what you said - it's two separate things.  The second thing is - well, it's just that I don't like people bein' rude to you, not in big or little ways, even if I know you can handle it.  And I do know you can handle it.  I know that, baby.  But I don't wantcha to hafta put up with any crap.  That's protectiveness too, but in a different way."

"I think I get it."

"Good.  Now - what else?  What other bad stuff?"

"Just one more - I don't like it when you won't talk to me after the nightmares.  I wish you felt like you could lean on me, like you could share that with me."

"No can do, darlin'.  It's enough that I gave the damn things to ya when I touched ya, I ain't gonna go talkin' 'bout them and maybe make them worse."

"But maybe talking about them would make it easier for you."

"You just gotta lemme have that one, OK?"

"OK.  But if you change your mind, you can talk to me, you really can."

"I know, baby.  That one's on me too.  That's just internally me again, my own reaction.  It ain't that I don't trust you or don't wanna share with you.  It's just that I wanna protect you more."

"Do you promise that's it?"

"I promise."

"OK, you can have that one then."


"Now it's my turn.  You go now."

"OK.  There's a lotta good things to talk 'bout but I'm gonna pick the top three."

"Sounds good, but remember, I want to hear the not-so-good things too."

"If you wanna.  I'll get to those.  But the good things first.  The number one good thing is that you're emotional."

"Wait - that's a good thing?  I thought that one would be on the bad list for sure."


"Well, because I cry more than average.  I'm not - I'm not - I don't have emotional imperviousness, you know?  The things that go on around me really affect me a lot."

"Yeah, but I really like that about you.  It means that I know what's goin' on inside you mosta the time.  I don't hafta guess.  If it's good or bad, it shows through and I know.  I don't like people who don't show their true colors, ya know? You're the opposite of that.  Plus, it means that when you're happy or when you feel like you love me, you let it all out and I can feel it too.  That's the best thing right there."

"I'm glad you think so.  I guess I never thought of it that way."

"Well, you should, 'cause it's definitely a benefit.  And if you cry durin' movies and stuff, that's OK.  It just means you feel for other people, and that's a good thing.  Compassion - it ain't a weakness.  It's what makes you a good person."

"You know, I never thought about it that way either."

"Livin' on the road, on your own - it tends to teach ya the opposite lesson, but I think that's really true, that it does make ya a better person.  I'm glad you turned out that way."

"Thanks.  You're pretty good at this, you know?"

"Well, hell, darlin' - if I could find somethin' nice to say 'bout Scooter, I can sure as hell find lotsa nice things 'bout you.  The number two best thing is that you're loyal.  That means a lot to me.  And not just - I know you wouldn't go off with some other guy or things like that.  I like it that, even when you think I've totally fucked up, even when you think I'm totally in the wrong on somethin', you won't rake me over the coals on it in public.  You always take my side, even if you give me an ass-kickin' as soon as we're behind closed doors.  I like that a lot."

"It's just respect.  I respect you too much to start an argument in public.  Besides, you usually can tell what I'm thinking anyway."

"Mosta the time, yeah.  I know you pretty well by now.  Which brings me to the number three thing - you've always been really open with me.  Not just lettin' your emotions show through, but how you'll tell me anythin' I ask.  Do you remember when I first came back, when I finally got up the nerve to ask you if you had a crush on me?"

"I remember."

"I could tell you were scared and nervous and really worried, but you thought about it, then made all the words come out right.  I asked, you answered.  And you've done that ever since.  I really like that about ya.  You remember what you said when I asked you about the crush?"

"I said that the answer was yes and no.  I said that I did have a crush on you but that my heart really felt so much more than that for you."

"You didn't have any idea what I was feelin' for you, but you went ahead and told me the truth 'bout what you felt for me.  I guess if I got a number four, that'd be it - brave.  You got a lotta courage Marie.  It took a lotta guts to do that."

"It really did.  I'm glad you told me your heart felt things for me too.  I just don't know what I would've done if you didn't."

"Couldn't help but tell ya.  You open up to me, and then I feel OK openin' up to you.  You let me know you, really know you, and I can let you know me more too.  I know I shouldn't need to make you go first but I kinda do, and I like that you can and that you don't mind."

"I don't mind, not with you, not at all anymore.  You're open with me too, I depend on it."

"Good.  You know, we could skip the not-so-good parts if you want.  I'm kinda likin' the vibe we got goin' at the moment."

"No, out with it.  And three - you picked three good ones, you have to say three bad ones."

"I don't got three.  Just one."

"Just one?  Really?"


"What is it?  Is it a big one?"

"Kinda.  It bothers me."


"It's OK - you remember what you said about lovin' all the parts of me - well, same goes for me to you.  But it's somethin' I really, really wish you didn't have."

"Oh, Logan - it's my skin, isn't it?"

"No.  No, darlin'.  No.  But you thinkin' that - that's kinda it.  You're always sayin' you're not pretty or not skinny or not tall enough or that your skin is a problem.  I really, really wish you didn't think those things.  I really wish you went around thinkin' - yeah, I'm gorgeous and everythin' about me is just perfect.  'Cause that's how it really, objectively is.  It ain't like it is in your head, Marie, it ain't."

"I think you're a little biased."


"You said you liked that I was emotional, remember?  Just ignore the tears.  They're not sad tears.  It - it just touches me really a lot to hear you say that you see me as good, as OK."

"Better than that.  Just right.  Everythin' about you, looks-wise and everythin' 'bout your body - it's just right.   Maybe I am biased, 'cause I do love you a lot, but I know I'm not the only one who looks at you and thinks - hey, she's gorgeous."

"You're the only one who really loves me though."

"I'm the only one who really knows you.  You opened yourself up to me, and you're right, you made a commitment to be with me.  That means I got to fall so in love with you.  If some other guy had the chance, he would too.  I'm damn glad you picked me."

"I'm so glad you picked me too." 

"Aw, c'mon, now, lemme hold ya.  I said emotional, not water works, darlin'."


"And I'll tell you somethin' - even if Chuck does make us do the team buildin' thing again, I ain't lettin' Scooter cry on my shoulder.  Even if he did save your life."

"No, it'd be Jean that would want to cry on your shoulder."

"Well, no can do.  My shoulders and all other parts ain't in the Jeannie zone."



"Yeah.  You always do make me feel better."

"Good.  I guess we don't need any team buildin' exercises, then, huh?  Our little team's workin' out just fine."

"But Logan - what about the team, the X-Men.  Do you really think everything's OK with you all?"

"I do.  It's work, not a relationship.  You don't gotta like the people you work with, you just gotta tolerate 'em and, well, work with 'em.  We can do that."

"I bet the Professor will still make you do team-building stuff though - he wants you to all like each other."

"Mph.  Well, as long as I don't hafta say anymore nice things 'bout people, I can't imagine it'll be too bad."

"Chuck, you have got to be shittin' me."

"Ah, no.  Now, as I was saying, we will build the tower using only the furniture and other items in this classroom.  You will work in teams of two - Logan and Scott and Jean and Storm and Hank and Bobby.  You will - "

"Why do I get stuck with Logan?"

"Scott, now is not the time to argue over the pairings.  Moving on - the towers must be at least seven feet tall and stable enough to - "

"I didn't ask to be stuck with you, One-Eye."

"No, you'd rather be stuck with my fiancee."

"Aw, hell.  I wish you'd get over that."

"Ahem.  May I continue?  Very well, then, the towers should be stable enough to support the weight of - "

"Why didn't you put me with Logan, Professor?  Is that some comment on me?"

"No, Jean, it most assuredly is not.  The pairings were not given that much thought, to be honest.  I simply wished to - "

"To keep me apart from Logan for some reason.  But why, Charles?  Do you really think I - I'm interested in him in some way?"

"Jean, I merely - "

"You do!  You're projecting it!  I can't believe you think that!   You of all people, Professor!"

"Jean, let's just get started on the team building exercise, all right?"


"Very well, then.  The towers must be stable enough to support the weight of - "

"Just for the record, I want to say that I am *not* interested in Logan."

"Yeah, right."

"No one asked you."

"Whatever, Jeannie."

"Don't you 'whatever' me!"



"I am beginning to think that I should come up with another exercise."

"We shall participate, Professor."

"Thank you, Hank.  But look behind you - Robert is busy freezing your glasses to the chair."


"Oh, come on, Hankster, it's just a joke!"

"Look, Chuck, are we done here?  'Cause I gotta get back to Rogue."

"Rogue, Rogue, Rogue - the whole world just revolves around her."

"Whatever, Jeannie."


"If you aren't interested in him, why does it bother you, Jean?"

"Scott, you can't be suggesting - "

"I'm outta here, Chuck.  I'm goin' back to my room where things are a little more harmonious.  See ya.........Team buildin' my ass."

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