Tricks and Treats

Title:  Tricks and Treats
Author:  Terri
Rating:  R, adult themes
Disclaimer:  I don't own them, but if I did, I'd
always give them a happy ending :)
Archive:  WRFA, Mutual Admiration, Peep Hut, everyone
else, please ask and I'll say yes ;)
Feedback:  Please!  With some miniature-size candy on
top?  Good, bad, and ugly welcome, but be forewarned
that flames will be publicly mocked ;)
Summary:  Logan has a very unpleasant trick played on
him; Rogue has to supply the treats.
Comments:  This is all Khaki's fault.  Well, and
Lateo's ;)  I was bitten hard by Khaki's Halloween
challenge plot bunny (there may be one more fic from
that bunny forthcoming  it just won't let go of my
butt) and inspired by Lateo's and Khaki's Asylum
stories, what with their fabulous take on
lost-his-marbles Logan.  I would like it noted by the
platoon of Logan clones that I was quite a bit nicer
to him here :)  I'd also like to take this opportunity
to say that I, for one, think tutus are cool :)


Rogue received the calm, collected telepathic message
from the Professor in the middle of the Halloween
party.  She had gone dressed as an angel, in a
diaphanous sleeveless white gown, with her hair put up
in delicate ringlets and a silvery halo above her head
to complete the picture.  Everyone had commented
favorably on her costume and on her newly found
ability to control her powers.  Wearing a sleeveless
dress would've been unthinkable if she could still
kill with a touch. 

The Professor's message had held the most welcome news
since she'd heard since she had gained control of her
powers.  They'd found Logan.  That was all the message
had said - well, that, and that Rogue should meet them
in the medlab - but it was enough.  The Professor and
the X-men had told her so little about their search
for Logan these past few months, and she was eager to
see how he was doing for herself.  They'd been looking
for him since they lost track of him on Cerebro.  That
Logan's disappearance coincided with Magneto's escape
from prison didn't ease her fears.  She quickly made
for the elevator, ignoring the surprised looks and
comments of her fellow party-goers. 

The elevator opened to the sound of screams - Logan's.
Rogue could smell his blood as well, and her joy at
the news that Logan had been found turned to stark
apprehension.  She rounded the corner to see a
worried, beaten-up cadre of X-men, but no Logan.  She
was about to ask where he was when she hear a muted
roar from behind the metal wall of the medlab's
holding cell.  In the next second, a loud bang
punctuated the small dent that suddenly exploded
outward in the six-inch-thick metal wall.  There was
silence for a moment, then another bang and dent.  It
wasn't until the third time that it finally registered
with Marie that it was Logan in the cell, trying to
break through the wall.

"What's going on?"

"Logan......"  Scott rubbed at his head and trailed

"What?!" Rogue demanded. 

"We found Logan," Scott said softly.

"And what?!"  A fourth bang and dent competed with her
voice.  Marie was beginning to panic a little now.

"He's - he's not in his right mind.  He - Magneto got
to him somehow and made - he made Logan watch a tape
of you - Mystique and you - no, no, Sabretooth and
Mystique - Mystique and she was - "

Marie crossed the room to grab Scott by his leather
jacket and shake him.  She looked every bit the
vengeful angel, even as her aluminum foil halo shook
ridiculously atop her head.  "Make some sense,

Scott seemed to pull himself together at that.
"Magneto made a videotape of Mystique and Sabretooth,
only Mystique - she made herself look like you.  He
made Logan watch it.  Logan thinks - he thinks you're
dead.  He thinks Sabretooth........he thinks
Sabretooth raped and killed you, brutally.  He's not
in his right mind."

"Move."  Rogue pushed Scott aside and made for the
holding cell. 

"Rogue, be careful!  Rogue, don't!"  But it was too
late - she'd already entered the code and opened the
door.  Hanging out with Hank had yielded benefits
beyond the obvious pleasure of his company.  What she
saw inside the cell stopped her cold.  She quickly
closed the door behind her, locking herself in. 

"Logan," she said softly.  "Oh, Logan......"  He was
bloodied all over, covered in self-inflicted claw
marks, and the metal of his skull could be seen
sparkling beneath a torn scalp - the result of banging
his head against the reinforced steel walls. 

"Marie?" he asked in confusion.  She nodded.  Feeling
the halo bounce around above her, she impatiently tore
it off, then took a step toward him.  "I'm so sorry,

"It's OK, Logan, I'm fine, I'm OK." 

"No, you're dead.  I know it, I saw it, I - I'm just
so sorry."  A piece of his torn scalp flopped down as
he tilted his head to the side.

"I'm not dead, I'm right here.  I'm right here."
Marie crossed the room to embrace him.  "See?  I'm
right here." 

"Oh, darlin', I'm so sorry...."  He hugged her back
tightly.  "I letcha down and I - I - " He broke off in
sobs and Marie could smell his pain and sadness.  He
still didn't believe that she was real, that she was

"Logan, Logan, smell me - can't you smell me?"  He
pulled back to look at her and smiled sadly.  "I'm not
dead.  I'm here.  It wasn't me you saw, it was
Mystique.  I'm here, I'm here." 

"You're an angel now, darlin'.  I'm so sorry."  He
caressed her bare face with his bare hand and she saw
tears mixed with the blood on his face.  "I didn't
protect ya.  I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry."

"Logan, please listen to me.  I'm just fine.  You're -
you're touching me, you can feel me.  I'm warm, I'm
alive.  It wasn't me, it was Mystique you saw.  It was
a trick."

"I know you don't want me to be sad, darlin', I know.
But - but I failed you.  I'm so sorry, so sorry.  I
shoulda protected you better.  I shoulda - " The tears
increased and she became even more alarmed.  Scott had
been right - he wasn't in his right mind.  He just
couldn't process anything beyond rage and sorrow and
self-hatred at her death.  He was stuck.  His mind
just wouldn't accept any other information. 

"Logan, I'm not an angel, it's just - it's just a
costume.  It's Halloween.  You can smell me, you can
feel me, I'm alive.  I'm alive."  Her mind scrambled
for a way to show him, for something that would get

"If you were alive, then I couldn't touch ya."  He
traced a path down her cheek with one finger, painting
her in his blood.  He frowned at that.  "Look, I
gotcha all messed up.  I messed up your face."

"It's OK," she reassured him.  "Logan, I learned - I
learned how to control my powers, that's why you can
touch me.  Not because I'm dead or an angel or an
apparition or something.  While - while you were gone,
I learned to control it, that's all."  She briefly
contemplated turning her skin on to prove to him that
she was alive, but he needed every ounce of his
healing power to fix the wounds he'd inflicted on
himself and she was loathe to bring him even a little
more pain.  "Logan, believe me, I'm alive,
everything's OK."

"I'll believe whatever you say.  Just - just stay here
with me for a while.  Please, darlin'?  I'm sorry,
Marie....."  He fell to his knees and rested his head
on her stomach as the sobs took him over.  Strong arms
snaked up the length of her back, stroking her
tenderly.  "I'm so damn sorry, darlin'.  I woulda - I
woulda protected you, I woulda taken care of you so
good if I just had one more chance.  I'm so sorry."

Marie was crying a little now too, and desperately
searching her mind for a way to break through to him.
She stroked his hair as he murmured 'sorry's and
rubbed his face back and forth against her stomach.
Finally, she heard the Professor in her head, checking
in.  She relayed the situation and asked him what to
do.  He said he'd have to research the problem and get
back to her.  Great, she thought, just great.  At
least he dressed up as Einstein for Halloween.  Maybe
that will help.

"Logan, shhh."  He was getting more and more agitated
and holding her very tightly.  "It's all right, I'm
all right."

"But - but - I couldn't help ya.  I tried I tried I
tried I tried...."

"Shhh, sugar.  I'm alive, I'm OK.  I'm alive and I'm
just fine."

"You're an angel now, kid.  I knew you'd go to heaven,
I did.  And I know I won't get there when I go, but I
- I - please just stay here with me, Marie, please,
just for a while, please, please, don't go, don't go."

"I'm not going anywhere, sugar, not ever.  I'm not
ever going to leave your side, all right?  Not as long
as I live."  She knelt next to him and tried to stem
her tears.    "Listen to me, OK?  I know what it
looked like."  She looked directly into his hazel
eyes, and hers burned with certainty and clarity.  "I
know it looked like me, but it wasn't.  It wasn't.  It
was Mystique, pretending to be me.  It wasn't really
me.  It couldn't have been, Logan, because if it had
been, you'd have found a way to save me.  I know that.
That's true.  So - so it couldn't have been me that
you saw.  It was a lie.  That - that wasn't true.  You
would have found a way to save, me, I know it in my
bones, in my soul."  Her eyes never wavered from his,
and she willed him to believe it with every fiber of
her being. 

"It - it wasn't you?"  His features twisted in
confusion and terrified hope. 

"No, no, it wasn't," Marie sighed.  "It wasn't me at
all.  I'm alive and I'm here with you now."

"Marie?"  He brought both bloodied, broken hands up to
cradle her face. 

"It's me, sugar.  Right here.  I'm right here with
you.  Oh, Logan, I've missed you so much............"
She saw that his fog had lifted, that she was getting
through, and she collapsed against him, crying in
earnest now.

"Marie, darlin', it's really you?"  She nodded against
his shoulder.  "I - I thought I lost ya.  I thought -
oh, God..........."  He squeezed her tightly and his
breathing began to calm.  "Oh, Marie......"

"Don't let go," she whispered.

"Never, never," Logan responded feverishly.  "Never,"
he said more firmly as he gently pushed her back from
him to get a good look at her.  She was covered in his
blood and tissue, her white dress sporting angry red
stains.  She looked like a battle-scarred angel now,
and she supposed that's what she was. 

"I love you," she whispered, still crying. 

"I must be dreamin'," Logan replied, not meaning the
words literally and clearly back in reality now.  "My
angel......"  He hugged her to him again and they both
finally relaxed a little.

Just then, she heard the Professor calling to her in
her head.  He said he'd found something that might
work.  Never mind, Einstein, she sent back.

A year later, on Halloween, Marie dressed, readying
herself for the annual Halloween party.  She wasn't
going as an angel this year - it would bring too many
painful memories home to Logan.  After the night he
came home, after last Halloween, she'd burned the
costume and had even shredded the foil halo.  That
night, and in the year to come, she was always
vigilant about avoiding anything that might cause
Logan pain or distress. 

He was doing well, she thought.  He still wasn't quite
'back to normal.'  The Professor and Jean, even Hank,
thought he probably never would be.  Marie reflected
that their diagnosis had caused them all to express
concern for her - concern that she was limiting her
activities to ease Logan's fears, concern that he was
stifling her by insisting that she remain constantly
in his sight, concern that she was sacrificing
opportunities for college, friendships, for 'normal'
teenage life for him - but they never expressed
concern for Logan. 

"You look pretty."  Logan came up behind her and met
her eyes in the mirror.  He wrapped his arms around
her waist and nuzzled her hair.

"You look handsome."  He smiled at that and her own
smile widened.  She loved making him smile. 

"Stay close to me tonight."  Marie had convinced Logan
to go to the party, promising not to be more than an
arm's reach away the whole time.  She also promised
that they wouldn't stay longer than a half hour.  "I
don't wanna lose ya."

"I know," she said softly, turning in his embrace to
face him.  "Did I mention that you look very
handsome?"  That got her the smile she'd expected. 

"I ain't even wearin' a costume."  He stroked her
cheek gently, with one bent finger.  It had become a
familiar gesture.  Marie often thought it was a small
way to reassure himself that she was there, that she
was real, that the trauma he'd experienced was indeed

"You don't need one.  You make a perfect Logan, just
like that."  She smoothed his flannel shirt down and
looked at him with simple but rapt affection. 

"I like your costume."  Marie thought he would.  It
wasn't too revealing or too demure.  It hugged her
curves, but also concealed the finer details of her
figure.  Plus, dressing up as a ballerina had a nice,
light, life-affirming quality to it.  She'd never
noticed how many Halloween costumes - mummies,
vampires, zombies - had unpleasant back-from-the-dead
connotations until now.  "Marie, you're gonna stay
close to me, right?"

"Right."  Her staying close, him not wanting to lose
her again, and him vowing to protect her were all
frequent topics of discussion, whether the outing was
something as simple as breakfast downstairs or
something as complex as a trip to the mall.  Marie was
always quick to provide constant reassurance, but
Logan's heart still beat a little faster whenever they
left their room for any reason.  "I love you a lot,
you know?"

"Me too.  I'm gonna take good care of ya this time,
Marie.  I am."

"I know, sugar." 

Logan took her face in both hands, seemingly searching
for the right words for a moment.  "I couldn't take
losin' ya.  I couldn't take it.  Anythin' else -
whatever kinda shit the government or Magneto or
whoever wantsta put me through, fine.  I couldn't ever
take losin' you."

"I need you with me too."

"No," Logan shook his head.  "You don't, darlin', not
like that.  It's not the same.  You'd - you'd find a
way to get through it and you'd be OK.  And I wanna
have it like that.  I don't wantcha to be like me that
way.  You're - you've got a lotta good things in your
life.  I got just one.  You.  If I lose that, well,
there's nothin' else worth goin' on for, you know?  I
don't wanna lose you."  Tears formed in Marie's soft
brown eyes and made their way down her pink-glittered
cheeks as Logan continued.  "Anythin' for you, kid.
Anythin' to keep you safe.  It's worth it.  It's all
worth it 'cause without you, I just - I couldn't do
it, you know?  It'd be like livin' one day in heaven
and then knowin' you hadta spend the rest of your life
in the worst hell.  That's what it was like when I
thought - " He cut himself off, remembering that Marie
sometimes got uncontrollably sad when he talked about
it too much.  "I just can't lose ya."

"You won't."  She hugged him to her, her crinoline
tutu making little crunchy noises as she did.  "Not
ever.  I'm not ever going to leave you and you're
never going to leave me.  That's - that's how it'll
be, I promise that."

"I know you're givin' up a lot to make it that way.
And I wish I didn't - I wish I wasn't - I wish I
didn't need - "

"It's OK.  It's OK.  Logan," Marie pushed back from
him a little to look him in the eye, "I need this too.
I need to be right with you all the time too. You -
you scared me a lot when you were - when it was bad.
That's what I couldn't take.  I couldn't take knowing
you were hurting because of me.  I couldn't ever live
with that.  So - so it's a good thing that we're
sticking so close together, you know?  That's just
right - that's how it should be for both of us."

"Yeah?"  Logan brushed her lips with his thumb,

"Yeah," Marie answered confidently.  "Come on, let's
get this over with."  She winked at him to bolster his

"You know, I fuckin' hate Halloween," Logan mused as
he allowed himself to be led by the hand to the door.
"I don't like tricks."

"Then this one will be just treats," Marie answered
sunnily.  It got the hoped-for grin out of Logan.
"Come on, let's make an appearance and head back up
here.  I've got a treat or two for you."  That got an
even bigger grin.

"Deal, darlin'," Logan agreed, shutting the door
behind them.

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